the girls see her hickeys (requested)

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"The girls should be here anytime now," Momo said as she entered the living room, sitting beside you on the sofa.

You put your phone aside, growing bored with social media just in time to forget about it for the day to spend time with your girlfriend and friends.

You plan on ordering some food later.

Until then, you're planning to watch some movies together and just hang out while you have some free time.

You looked at Momo just as a couple of cars pulled into the driveway.

"They're here!" She excitedly said.

And as her eyes lit up, yours went wide.


She froze as soon as she stood up by the urgency in your voice.


You saw one of her hoodies hung on the coat rack and you got up, tossing it to her.

"I see your hickeys!"

She went wide-eyed and put the hoodie on just as the front door opened.

"Hey!" Dahyun said as she entered first, throwing her arms around you both to hug you tightly.

The other girls did the same, clearly so excited to have some time with you and Momo without having to talk about or worry about work.

"So, how was your night last night?" Sana asked curiously as the girls sat around the floor and on extra sofas throughout the room.

You and Momo looked at each other and she tried not to smirk at the remembrance of last night.

It was an incredible night.

You made out... a lot.

You lost track of time as you shared passionate kisses and got lost in each other.

Hence all of the hickeys on her neck, as well as yours, although you've covered yours already.

You also had less than she did, as you practically marked every inch of her skin, unable to stop yourself from doing so.

And considering the fact that Momo can only smirk as she thinks back to that, she was perfectly fine with it.

"Oh, uh, not much. Just cuddled." You said as Momo pulled you into her arms.

"Cute!" Jeongyeon grinned.

"Okay, I'm super excited! Can we start watching the movie?" Tzuyu excitedly asked and Momo chuckled before grabbing the remote, and turning on one.

You kept your head on Momo's shoulder while she held you tightly.

During the film, the girls laughed and talked and had some nice conversations about things that didn't center around just work.

But as Chaeyoung and Nayeon spoke to Momo, the other members now too focused on the film to be a part of the conversation, Momo started to get overwhelmed by the intense heat she felt.

You were so into the film that you didn't think anything of Momo taking her hoodie off.

When she put it over the arm of the sofa, you just laid your head back on her shoulder and continued to watch the film.

But a few seconds later, Mina turned her head to say she was going to grab something to drink from the kitchen.

But the marks on Momo's neck made a shocked gasp fall from her lips and quickly, the girls turned to look at her.

"What is it?" Jihyo asked and Mina leaned over to whisper in her ear and a few seconds later, they burst into laughter together.

"Is everything okay?" Chaeyoung asked curiously.

"Yeah, fine," Mina said as she held back a laugh. "But y/n, what kind of cuddling were you talking about when you said you and Momo cuddled last night?"

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"I mean Momo's neck is covered in hickeys!"

The girls all looked at Momo's neck, all of them now seeing what Mina saw.

Momo cursed under her breath as she reached for her hoodie.

"What's the point of putting it back on? We just did that to cover your hickeys but the girls saw them already so no point in making yourself feel overheated for no reason, baby." You told Momo, who just sighed and looked at the girls.

"Wow, girls. That's a lot of hickeys." Sana giggled.

"Yeah, you must've left one on every inch of her skin," Jihyo told you with a laugh.

"So, do you have some too?" Dahyun asked, raising her eyebrows teasingly.

"You know it." You proudly spoke as Momo laid her head on your shoulder.

"It's a good thing we're not filming anything for a few days. It would take a lot of makeup to cover those up." Nayeon teased.

Momo groaned, feeling flustered as the girls teased her for all of her hickeys.

"Oh, don't worry about them, baby. I think you look sexy with all of those hickeys." You said as Momo looked at you.

You leaned in for a kiss and Jeongyeon groaned.

"If you start making out on the sofa, I will walk back to the dorms right now." She said.

You and Momo laughed before pulling away.

"We promise, we won't." You giggled.

The girls started to watch the movie again but Momo just put her lips to your ear and whispered,

"When they leave, you'll give me more, right?" She smirked.

"Happily." You replied and shared one more kiss.

And while they watched the film, you just ran your fingers through her short hair and admired all of the hickeys you left on her skin while looking forward to giving her more later.

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