did I do that? (requested)

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Momo jumped over the sound of the front door slamming shut.

She exited the bedroom and made her way down the stairs to find you pacing the floor as you grumbled under your breath.

"Babe? Is everything okay?"

"No. I had the worst day!" You said in frustration.

Momo frowned and came over to hug you and she was relieved to feel you relax in her embrace.

"It's okay, my love. Your bad day is all over and I've got you now." She said as she rubbed your back, her lips lovingly brushing against your head. "Why don't we go upstairs and we can cuddle as you tell me all about it."

You nodded and followed her up the stairs to your shared room.

You sat at the edge of the bed and she handed you her favorite stuffed bear, hoping it'd help bring you some comfort the way it does her.

She was unaware, however, that this stuffed bear wasn't actually her stuffed bear but rather one that looked just like it.

You hid her bear before leaving for work this morning because you had a little prank planned and, of course, you'd never do what you were going to do to her the real bear that she loves and cherishes.

"Tell me about it, my love." She said. "What happened?"

"Everything went wrong! From the minute I walked out the door, it was as if I was meant to have the worst day possible. People snapped at me all day, I spilled my drink all over myself, and my lunch came up missing," You took a minute to take a deep breath, only to get more aggravated. "Ugh, everything just went wrong!"

And, in frustration, you pulled the head off of the stuffed bear, making stuffing fly everywhere.

Momo gasped loudly in shock before she watched you angrily smack the stuffed bear against the bed, more stuffing going everywhere.

"What are you doing? Stop that!" She yelled as she snatched the bear out of your hands.

You calmed down and realized what you'd done.

"Did I do that?" You nervously asked.

"Yes, you did, Y/N!" She yelled. "This was my favorite stuffed bear. You know it meant the world to me. It was sentimental!"

"I'm so sorry."

"You should be! I let you cuddle with it to make you feel better just for you to do this? What is wrong with you?" She asked. "What am I going to do? I can't fix this! It's damaged beyond repair."

You went to the closet and grabbed the original stuffed bear and as she continued to freak out, you cleared your throat to catch her attention.

"What, Y/N?" She asked angrily.

"Surprise!" You said and handed it over to her.

"What? A replica? I don't want it."

"Momo, the one I broke was the replica. This is your real stuffed bear, unharmed and perfectly fine."

She was hesitant, looking at you as though she didn't believe you.

You showed her the tag that was still attached with the handwriting of her name, the marker that it was written with having faded a little from time passed.

The other one didn't have that, so she knew you were being honest.

"Oh, thank gosh!" She said as she took the bear out of your grip.

"See? I was just messing with you."

"That was mean. You scared me." She pouted, only for you to kiss her lips a few times in an attempt to kiss it away.

"Sorry, baby, but you know I'd never do that to something you love."

"I know." She said as she kissed you again before pulling away to clutch the bear tightly.

"I'm so happy you're okay."

You giggled and watched her with bright eyes, knowing that she adored that bear.

And you'd never do anything to risk ruining it, not ever.

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