toxic friends (requested)

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"I had fun! See you again soon?" You asked your friends as you and Momo got up from your seats.

Your stomach is full and your heart is happy after the exciting dinner you shared with a few of your friends.

Momo tagged along because you wanted her to and although she enjoyed the food, she can't exactly say she feels the same about the time she spent with your friends.

But, of course, she'd never tell you that. It would crush you to know that she can see just how fake these friends of yours are and that she can't stand them.

The last thing she wants is to see you sad.

"Of course!" One of your friends said as they all got up to come and hug you and Momo.

"We had fun too!"

"We'll see you soon. We've got a lot going on and we're sure you both do as well so it'll be a few weeks before we can hang out again. But we look forward to the next time we all get to hang out together!"

Momo faked a smile but as soon as her back was turned to your friends, she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

The reason why she keeps these feelings and thoughts to herself?

That bright smile on your face.

You looked so happy as you wrapped your hand in Momo's. You had so much fun with your friends. It made your day to be able to hang out with them again.

"Did you have fun?" You asked Momo with a grin.

"Yeah, of course, I did."

The sparkle in your eyes got even brighter.

You walked out the doors of the restaurant and got into the car, only to realize something.

"Oh, no."

"What, baby?"

"I think I forgot my phone on the table."

"Oh. I can go get it for you real fast if you want." She offered.

"Would you mind? I'm so full, I don't want to move."

She laughed and kissed your cheek before she got out of the car and went back inside the restaurant. She walked to the table, dreading seeing your friends for even another moment.

But, for you, she will.

She spotted your friends across the room. They were still at the table but in different seats now.

As she got closer, she saw your phone at the end of the table.

She was about to clear her throat to let them know she was there before she'd grab your phone and hopefully get out of there quickly.

But she froze before she made her presence known when she heard something that made her heart sink.

"I'm so happy that's over." One of your friends said, a sigh of relief falling from their lips.

"Me too. She's so annoying. I'd say I'm happy we only see her once every couple of months but I'd be lying. Even that feels like too much."

Your friends all laughed while Momo's heart broke.

Is this the way they speak about you when you're not around?

Is this how they truly feel?

"Good idea saying we all have so much going on and can't hang out with y/n again for a while." One of your friends complimented another.

"Thank you. I knew she'd fall for it."

They all laughed again.

With this, Momo had enough.

Momo Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now