she falls asleep on your lap

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You frowned when you saw the dark circles under Momo's eyes as she laid down beside you. She refused to admit she was tired, though you know she has to be after the busy few weeks she's had. But she wouldn't let it show, she instead sent you a beautiful, heart-melting smile as she moved closer and closer, till she could lay her head on your lap.

"Are you sure you're up for movie night tonight? We can hold off a few nights, till you're up for it."

"No." She replied, gazing up at you with sad but hopeful eyes. "I've been looking forward to spending time with you. I want to watch these movies with you! Turn them on, I'm excited to watch them."

You stared at her for a moment, brushing your thumb under her eyes soothingly and giving her a look, wordlessly asking if she was sure she'd rather do that than sleep. She wrapped her fingers around your hand, kissing along your wrist and your palm lovingly.

Seeing as she wasn't changing her mind anytime soon, you grabbed the remote and turned on the first film. The credits rolled, Momo laid her head on your lap and said, "I've missed you. I know things have been hectic but I should have a day or two off coming sooner rather than later, and I'm excited to spend it by your side."

You leaned down, brushing your lips across her forehead lovingly. "Can't wait."

She turned to watch the movie as it began to play. She was into it right away, since it was one of her favorites. You, however, were too busy staring at her to enjoy it. She looked beautiful, as she always does. With her makeup off and her hair down and her coziest sweats on. But she looked so tired, so worn out after so much going on.

Knowing she needed some rest and wouldn't give in easily, you decided to start brushing your fingers through her hair. Her eyes closed instantly, her body relaxed and a small smile on her face.

"Y/n," she hummed and opened her eyes to stare into yours. "You're gonna make me sleepy."

"I know." You whispered then leaned down to kiss her head softly. "You need some sleep. It's still early in the evening and we'll still have time to spend together if you take an hour or two to get a little rest. You really need it."

She knew you were right and she also knew she wouldn't be able to fight falling asleep much longer with how content she felt.

"You deserve to get some sleep." You kissed across her face, leading to her lips where you laid a few loving kisses against them. "I love you so much. Watch the movie till you fell asleep. I'm right here."

She nodded tiredly but she didn't open her eyes, simply listened to your sweet voice and the movie playing.

"I love you, Momo, so very much."

"Love you, y/n." She mumbled sleepily and her chest began to rise and fall steadily as she drifted off to sleep on your lap, feeling cozy and content, leaving you to hope she slept well and that it wouldn't be long till those days to spend with only her came around.

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