pretty savage chair choreo - BLACKPINK fifth member (requested)

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Momo was unable to wipe the smile off of her face as she watched you and your members perform from the very front row at Coachella.

She knows tonight is a big moment for the five of you and she knows just how much it means to be performing here tonight, especially with her in the crowd.

Despite being so busy with her own group activities, she took a few days away from them to come and be with you so she can watch your performance.

It made it all even more special for you.

She's cheered you on throughout each performance so far, drawing a little attention to herself as she did so, but she didn't care in the slightest.

She was a proud girlfriend and she wasn't going to hide that.

You just finished performing how you like that and are now moving on to pretty savage, one of Momo's favorites by you and the girls.

She's seen you perform this song a few times before but for some reason, you were keeping her from seeing this one when she'd stop by rehearsals in her free time.

She didn't understand why and you refused to explain it, only telling her that it's going to be a little different than the other live performances.

You wanted to keep it a surprise and as much as she wished you would've let her see it when you rehearsed it, she didn't make you and she's been waiting very impatiently to see what's so different about this performance.

She saw five chairs near the end of the stage, so she knew that something was going to happen.

But she didn't know how.

And she wasn't prepared.

As the song neared the ending, the five of you made your way to the chairs, and sat down in them as Rosie sang,

"We're pretty, pretty savage."

The lights suddenly went down and Momo's heart started to race as she realized it was going to be something sexy.

The lights came back up a few seconds later and she saw you sitting in the chair in the middle.

Your eyes locked with hers and you watched them go wide as you all slowly rose up from your chairs, doing so a little sensually.

Momo was in shock over this side of you.

When you said that you wanted her to be surprised about this performance, she didn't know that it'd be because you had changed it up to be a little risqué.

But she also wasn't complaining.

How could she when you looked so good?

"Savage," You all sang, sitting back down in your seats as the crowd went wild.

Momo could hardly believe what she was seeing.

You looked so hot, she was almost drooling over you.

She knew she had to be careful how she reacted because people had already recognized her, but she didn't care as much as she probably should.

She couldn't hide her desire for you and how much she was enjoying just this particular part of the performance.

As you moved your hips and moved around on your chair, you kept your eyes locked with Momo's and found yourself smirking as she gazed at you with a look of passion in her eyes.

She sank her teeth into your lip as you sent her a wink and as the performance came to an end, you watched her smirk at you.

"You look so good up there." She mouthed. "Sexy girl."

Your smirk turned into a smile as her words made your heart flutter a bit.

"That's my girl!" She yelled out, unashamed as people cheered.

You blew her a kiss and she blew one right back to you.

She's always known that she was lucky to call you hers but now, she feels especially lucky.

Because as people in the crowd cheer for the five of you and had their eyes on you, Momo knew that she was the one that you'd be going home with tonight.

And she wanted to brag about it to everybody because she was the lucky one to call you hers; all hers.

They could look but they couldn't touch.

And Momo just looked around at everyone, grinning proudly as you went on to the next song, hoping everyone knew that you were her girl and that she was the proudest girlfriend ever.

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