she's clingy (requested)

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The moment you woke up, the first thing you noticed was the tight grip of familiar arms around you. You turned your neck to gaze behind you, where Momo was.

She was curled up to you, her cheek on your shoulder and warm breath fanning against your skin as she slept soundly. Her legs were tangled with yours, her hands resting over your stomach as she held you close.

You couldn't complain. You've missed waking up like this. It's been a couple of long months without her by your side.

Though that might not seem like much to some people, it was to you when it comes to your girlfriend, who is also your best friend and confidant.

It was nice feeling her holding onto you. You craved her arms around you the entire time she was gone, only able to dream about the security her embrace provides until last night when she got home.

You looked at the clock on the wall. It was only nearing ten in the morning. You thanked your lucky stars for the next few days off that you have, which gives you so much time to catch up with your girl.

You know she's gotta be so exhausted after touring. Being out on stage almost every night for months straight. Pouring out her heart and soul; her blood, sweat, and tears. You know she'd never really complain; it's a wonderful experience, especially when she's got her eight best friends to live out her dream with.

However, she's undoubtedly worn out and you had no intention of waking her. You'd allow her to sleep the day away, catching up on as much sleep as her body craves.

You, however, didn't think you could stay in bed all day. As much as you'd love to, you know you'll become restless at some point and you didn't want to disturb her sleep.

So you carefully unwrapped her arms from around you and got out of bed. You put your pillow in your place and tiptoed into the bathroom, where you began to brush your teeth.

You hung your head to rinse out your mouth a moment later and nearly jumped out of your skin when you looked back up and saw Momo standing behind you.

She chuckled quietly before she put her arms around you. She laid her cheek on your shoulder, humming when she breathed in your sweet smell of the body wash lingering on your skin from the shower you took yesterday.

"Why are you up?"

She looked up at you, eyes locking with yours in the mirror.

"Silly of you to think I can sleep when you're not there."

"You did for the last couple of months." You teased.

"Yes, but I'm home now. It's different. I don't want to let you go now that I have you in my arms again. I wanna hold you close, spoil you with lots of love and kisses, give you all the cuddles your heart desires."

"That sounds lovely." You smiled and she moved the sleeve of your shirt down a little so she could brush her lips lovingly along your shoulder. "But you've gotta be exhausted."

"Not really. I slept deep last night. I'll catch up on sleep over the next few days, no need to worry about that. For today, let me just hold you. We'll spend the day in, cuddle and watch movies. Maybe order some food lately."

You couldn't deny the flutter in your heart that appeared just from the thought.

"Sounds perfect. Why don't you brush your teeth and I'll go pick out a movie we both like."

She shook her head, taking ahold of your hand into her wrist as you went to walk away.

"No. Stay in here with me. Hold me."

You rolled your eyes playfully but smiled as her clinginess melted your heart.

"Alright. You're too cute to say no to."

She smiled and reached for her toothbrush, one hand over yours that rested over her waist while she used her other to move the toothbrush along her teeth and tongue to rid the morning breath.

When she finished, she turned the water off and then turned to you. She buried her face in the crook of your neck and smiled against your skin as you walked backward out of the bathroom and to bed, where you laid down and let her lay down right beside you.

"What do you want to watch?"

She shrugged and dropped her head onto your shoulder with a contented sigh.

"Whatever you want, my love. Anything is fine as long as we get to cuddle."

You nodded and turned the movie on before you put the remote aside and looked down at her. She was already staring up at you and when your eyes locked, you noticed the stars in hers.

"My beautiful girl." You whispered and kissed her forehead.

"You missed." She spoke softly before tapping her lips and giggled as you leaned in to kiss them. "And I missed you. Missed your kisses. Missed your warmth. Missed holding you. Everything about you, I love so much and missed like crazy."

"Missed you, Momo." You whispered and caressed her cheek, to which she smiled and leaned into your touch.

"Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

"I've got water and I'm not hungry yet. Just wanna be with you."

You nodded and combed your fingers through her hair as her grip on you tightened a little and she cracked a smile, feeling her heart flutter with every caress of your fingertips along her cheek and every kiss you laid to her skin.

It was gonna be a wonderful day spent by her side, you could already tell.

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