you're not alone - part two (requested)

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This chapter contains possibly triggering content, so please don't read this if that makes you uncomfortable!

Always remember that I'm here for you, no matter what. My messages are always open and I'll be here to listen to you the best I can.

I love you all so much 🤍


Rocking back and forth on the bedroom floor, you held your phone in one of your shaky hands while your other one was in your hair.

You made the mistake of looking on social media, finding yourself obsessively reading the hateful comments and posts directed towards you.

Now you're feeling anxious and the negativity is swirling through your brain, making you crave a release.

You used to turn to one specific release but since Momo discovered you that one day about to harm yourself, you've managed to escape the urges.

You haven't had them in so long and you're not sure how to handle them now.

Feeling alone and as though the urge was eating you up, you decided to call Momo.

Pressing your phone against your ear, you listened to it ring before Momo picked up a few seconds later.

"Hi, baby!"

She was cheerful and in a bright mood.

And you wished to yourself that you could feel the same right now.


She knew something was wrong the second she heard your voice.

It was trembling and cracking as you spoke.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"Do you remember that one day when you came home and found me in the bathroom? You told me that if I felt the urge to hurt myself again to tell you. I'm feeling it again."

Her heart sank.

"It's strong and hard to resist. My mind is full of negative thoughts and I keep thinking back to the posts and comments from fans and it's making my urges return."

"Okay, baby. I'm here for you." She said. "I'm going to come home, okay? Do you think you'll be alright until I get there? Do you need me to stay on the phone with you?"

The studio wasn't far from home, only a few blocks away.

So you figured you'd be fine.

"I'll be okay. Just hurry, please. I need you."

"I'm coming home right now, my love. I'm going to be there in no time, I promise."

You exhaled shakily and dropped your phone as she rushed out of the studio and to her car to hurry home to you.

You heard the front door open and close a few short minutes later before Momo hurried up the stairs and into the bedroom.

She breathed out a sigh of relief when she saw you on the floor, unharmed.

"Hey, sweet girl."

"Momo," You sniffled as she sat down beside you and pulled you into her arms.

"I know, baby. I know it's hard to resist. But you're doing so good, you're so brave and strong."

You didn't feel very strong and Momo could tell that.

"It was so strong. I felt so weak. I didn't know what to do."

"You did the right thing by calling me. This way, I'm here with you. You're going to be alright." She promised as she rubbed your shoulder soothingly.

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, finally feeling safe and secure.

The urges got less intense and easier to resist as she held you in her arms.

"You're stronger than you'll ever know. I'm so proud of you." She said. "You did a great job."

"The urges came back though. They were gone for so long. I didn't expect it."

"I know, honey. They'll always come and go. But remember that you're always going to have me to turn to, just as you did today."

You looked up at her with a small smile.

"You've gotta give yourself a little credit. You deserve that."

"Thank you." You said as she gently cupped your cheek. "I don't know what I'd ever do without you."

"Well, I'm always going to be here for you, so don't worry about that, darling." She promised, kissing your lips softly. "We'll get through this. We'll do whatever we have to, together. I promise."

You laid your head on her shoulder and closed your eyes as she held you a little tighter, helping you to feel safe and secure, no matter what.

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