Final Author's Note (Part 2)

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Hi everyone!

I know that this is coming to you out of the blue but I've been thinking a lot about this recently and I think you all should know.

Originally, I had planned to rewrite Earphone Buddies and post it as a separate book on this account. Since then, my reader count has continued to go up (thank you all, btw) and I've started to question that decision. I still plan to eventually rewrite Earphone Buddies, but instead of posting the edited version here, I think I'll post it on AO3. You all will be the first to know when that happens, if you follow me. I'll post a message on my board when it's up. It might be like another year cause I have a lot going on at the moment. 

You may be wondering about my reasoning for this decision. The truth is, it feels strange to post the same story twice on this account. I don't want to delete the original, but I do want to edit it... Which means that it's simply necessary to post the rewritten story somewhere else. AO3 is a wonderful platform where I think I can reach a wide audience and make even more people happy with my writing.

Thank you for your time and your reads!

-Kiri 💜

(P.S. Alone Together is planned to be released... sometime. The truth is that I had planned to finish it by the end of March, but I hit some major writers block on one of these chapters so I've been working on other projects that you can find on Tumblr @/kiri-ah, I've been releasing little drabbles and I have a longer project due to be released in about two weeks. I'm sorry  about Alone Together, I promise it'll be released at some point, I'm not giving up on it, it's just taking a hot second.)

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