Contemplation(ep 22)

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Jungkook's POV

We've gone through so many interviews recently. After each one is aired, Y/N texts me with her 'reaction video'. Her favorite part of any of the shows so far has been the 'brekkie' moment. Although she was mildly put out by my wink at the camera. She said she wanted those winks to only be for her. Fair enough.

I've had a lot of time to think about our relationship, and what I want to tell ARMY about it. She needs some privacy, obviously, but she also will need to develop a thick skin so that she can deal with the haters.

I want to call her all the time, everyday. I want her to be here so that I can hold her close to me. I want her to be in the same freaking timezone as me!

I never realized how hard it is for I-ARMYs when they have to either stay up really late or get up really early to watch our broadcasts and V-Lives. Now, I find that calling my girlfriend is nearly impossible, because one of us is sleeping almost all the time. Ugh. We have to resort to using Google Duo and sending each other video messages every twelve hours. But she always stays awake for our interviews. No matter how ready for bed she is.

When I get back, I'm going to make her come over and we'll have a cuddle session while watching Incredibles 2. Heck, I even miss how she smells. She smells like... I don't even know how to describe it. She smells like home, I guess. Being safe, and comfortable. Feminine, but not floral. She would clearly be able to kick your butt if you made her angry enough.

I guess that's one of the things I like about her. She's pretty, and innocent, and kind, but don't get on her bad side. She won't hesitate to take out all of her wrath on you. I saw her give Namjoon a piece of her mind once over a chess match and she was scary!

Who knew I liked girls that could potentially kick my behind? Not me.

Right now, I'm getting ready for bed. I'm exhausted, because here, it's nearly two AM. TWO AM. I haven't stayed up actually doing stuff for ages. Usually it's just laying in bed or hosting a V-Live. Not actually walking around. Being active and such. I'm getting ready for bed when Namjoon-Hyung comes into my hotel room.

"Junggukkie, make sure you go to sleep quickly, we have another interview and late night tomorrow. I mean, later today."

"Don't remind me," I groan out. "I'm exhausted."

"Just don't show it on camera, okay?" Of course he's worried about our appearance. I mean, I will be worried about it too when I wake up, but right now, I'm too tired to care.

"'Kay. Goodnight, Hyung."

"Goodnight, Maknae." He leaves, and I climb into bed. I send one last message to Y/N with a goodnight. Then I turn out the light, and finally close my eyes.



I get a Duo notification right as I'm heading to the bathroom for my shower. It's from Kookie! I open it, and his sleepy face looks out of the screen at me. He looks absolutely tuckered.

"Hi, Y/N. Oh gosh, I'm so tired." He's interrupted by a yawn. How timely his yawns are. "I just wanted to check in with you, make sure you aren't sick. Tell you how much I love you. And how much I miss you. These Duo video things have a time limit, how annoying is that? I wish I could just reach through the screen and give you a big hug. Anyway, I should go to bed. Sleep well, Jagiya!"

"Sleep well, Kookie," I whisper, holding my phone in front of me. The thumbnail for the video makes me laugh a little. Duo isn't very good at capturing people when they're all put together. In fact, most thumbnails are really unfortunate.

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