Kat's View (ep 13)

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For a second, I think crazily that he's going to steal my first kiss.

He doesn't.

He just places his lips against my forehead, which is embarrassing enough in front of all these people. He lets me go after a moment, and continues as though nothing strange has just happened.

"So I get to choose who the seeker is next..." He looks at the group in front of us. "Jin-hyung, would you like to seek?"

So Jin walks away to count.


Kat's POV, as Hobi opens the dorm door

"Let's go meet the members!" he says. Y/N glances back at me before stepping through the doorway, stopping a few feet inside.

It's not hard to see why.

Inside the room, an explosion of streamers, fans, and other decorating bits and bobs in shades of blue, red, gold, and white dominate every surface.

Someone had quite the heyday decorating.

But it's beautiful, as though the person is an artist, deep down in their heart. I wonder if one of the members did it, or if they asked a staff member to do it for them. Whoever did it, I want to give them a big hug to thank them.

I'm not really a hugger, but the anonymous decorator needs some sort of award. I barely have time to register the boys before Namjoon steps forward. He speaks in English.

"It's so nice to meet you! Hoseok has had us all on our toes waiting to see you both since Tuesday. I'm Namjoon." Oh I know who you are, Namjoon. You've been my bias wrecker for literally six years. But of course I don't say that.

Y/N replies in Korean for the benefit of the other guys. "I honestly was quite nervous at the thought of meeting you! But I'm glad we're here." she hugs Namjoon.

Then suddenly the other guys are in a group around us, and we're being greeted from every angle.

I get hugged by Namjoon, which feels like a gift from Heaven itself. I feel like melting.

I catch sight of Y/N smirking a bit as she hugs Suga. She probably knows exactly how I'm going to react to being hugged by my ultimate bias, Min Yoongi.

Of course, she'll react the same way when hugged by Kookie, so we're even.

Then Namjoon let's go of me, and Jimin hurries my way.

"Nice to meet you, Kat. I'll make this short, since Yoongi really wants to say hello, but you can call me Jimin, or oppa if you want." Then he's gone, the hug is broken, and Yoongi is walking toward me.

"Do you know who did the decorations?" I ask his shoulder as he embraces me.

He pulls back a little to look me in the eye.

"You just hugged him."

I gasp.

"For real? It's absolutely amazing!" As I speak, his face forms that gummy smile that I have so loved through the screen.

"I'm not kidding," I continue. "You put everything in just the right place so it's not too much! I love it. Thank you."

His arms let go of me and he looks down at me. "I'm glad you like it. You know, your Korean is really impressive. How long have you been learning?"

"Not long, just about six or seven years." I hope that he doesn't realize that I've been learning since their debut, and only since then. But he doesn't seem to notice.

"Hey! Let us say hi to Kat too!" Jin interrupts. I quickly step away from Yoongi with a smile. Then Jin has hugged me. "You know, I think your comment on the decorations just made his day," he says. "You can call me Jin, Seokjin, oppa, or Worldwide Handsome. Any is fine." He says this whole thing with a big smile, as though there is nowhere he'd rather be than hugging Y/N and me.

I hope we don't disappoint them. We are still human, no matter how much Hoseok was excited to introduce us. But I think that's part of Y/N's appeal, she always treats people like humans, not like idols or bosses or celebrities. She just tries to be nice.

Then suddenly I've been let go, and Tae steps forward to embrace me. Through the whole hug, I can't stop watching Y/N and Kookie, though.

"Does he like her?" I ask Tae in a whisper. I know I should be focused on him, but I'm worried about the heart of my dongsaeng.

"I think so..." he whispers back, after turning to see who I'm talking about. "He couldn't focus all week, since Hobi sent us a picture of Y/N." He lets me go.

"Well... as long as he doesn't break her heart." I reply. Then as Jungkook puts an arm around Y/N's shoulders, I choose the worst possible moment and interrupt. I step to Jungkook's other side, and say "Hey Jungkook! I'm Kat, by the way."

Then I sit down next to Yoongi on the couch as Jin goes to check on the food.

Interrupting people is way too much fun.

Insert a magical time skip to the closet scene for your convenience

After Jin flicks on the light, I can see that Jungkook is hugging Y/N tightly to his chest, as though if he lets her go, we'll steal her. I might, come to think of it.

"It's not what it looks like!" she squeaks. Oh, really? I think to myself. Are you sure? Because I think for him, it's exactly what it looks like.

And, true to form, he says, "Isn't it?" then leans down to kiss her forehead. She's blushing like she has the scarlet fever. Poor dear.

Then he lets her go and turns to us. Y/N is literally shaking, though I don't think anybody but me realizes it.

"So I get to choose who the seeker is next..." He looks at the group of us. "Jin-hyung, would you like to seek?"

So Jin leads our group out. I stay behind, wanting to talk to Y/N. Jungkook finally leaves, and I walk to her.

"Wh-what just h-happened?" she says. Then she collapses into me as I hug her.

"I could ask you the same thing!" I laugh. "What just happened?"

"Well, when I was searching for Kookie, he pulled me into the closet and hug- no squeezed me. Then his voice got all deep, and the lights came on, and you know what happened after that." She breathes out, slowly, as though letting out all of the tension inside her.

"Well," I say with a grin, "Let's go play more hide and seek."

And that's where we'll leave off today

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And that's where we'll leave off today... Hope you enjoyed this view of the party from Kat! It's not over yet though... I have some torture yet to induce through cliffhangers. Purple all of the people who read this! 💜

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