Her Unknown (ep 34)

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A little less than a week later, I was walking down the stairs after work, on my way out of the building. Today had been interesting. I had worked with Twice for the first time today, improving mostly their pronunciation. Some of the members had taken me very seriously, while others had considered me kind, but were unhappy I had barged in on their 'free day.' I had fun though. I had only been up in their main meeting room, really, because today was the day the artists from the school had come to draw the members of ITZY. I was instructed to stay out of the way and was assigned to Twice in a spur-of-the-moment decision. Kat had been in a different department, I think maybe just looking over the aesthetics of groups? At the moment, I was on my way down to wait for her in the lobby.


Unknown's POV

After my day drawing ITZY, I was walking down the hallway to the stairs, looking over my sketch. I had been assigned to Ryujin, which turned out to be a bit of a nice challenge. She had gorgeous short hair that I struggled to add proper dimension to. My eraser had lost a considerable amount of itself over the course of the day. I'm the end, however, I thought I had come up with a pretty nice rendition, and I was planning to color it at home, like the rest of the artists in my class.

I wasn't looking where I was going, and ended up running straight into a girl walking the opposite way. She squeaked and I squealed; my art supplies went everywhere.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" the girl exclaimed. She sounded familiar somehow, but I didn't know many non-Koreans who spoke Korean on instinct, even to foreigners. Maybe she went to my school or something. She quickly knelt down with me and picked up my pencil case, handing it to me without even looking at me, focused on the various mediums strewn around the hallway. I can't say I looked too hard at her either.

Once my supplies were collected, we both straightened up, and I actually looked at her. We let out identical gasps, examining each other's faces.

"Y/N?!" I asked, hoping that it really was my old friend. It's been almost 3 years and she looks a little different but I've seen her in the press.

"Taytem?!" She rushed forward to hug me tightly, squeezing with such force that my pens and pencils were in danger of head-butting the floor once more. Apparently, I don't look too different. "OhmygoshIcannotbelieveyou'rehere!" It comes out of her in one breath, and I giggle.

"I'm happy to see you too! I can't believe how popular you're getting. I saw you on a V-Live.You know how weird it was to be like 'Oh hey that's my friend!'? Very strange. But kinda fun. You seem to be doing okay."

"Yeah, Kat and I are doing pretty well! What about you? When did you come to Korea? What are you doing here?"

I gesture toward my art supplies and say, "Honestly, I just wanted to follow in your footsteps, and of course moving to Korea was always on my bucket list. Going to this bilingual university seemed like a good choice for my art studies. I actually just moved here last semester, because I lived in Guatemala for about a year before moving out. It was really fascinating, and now I get to brag about being trilingual." I smile remembering Guatemala. One of the best parts of my life, for sure.

"That's super cool. Are you on your way out right now? I'm going to wait for Kat in the lobby. You could come see her?"

I hadn't known that Kat and Y/N worked at JYP, but it figured that they worked in the same place. They probably interviewed together. Heck, they've probably done everything together since they moved out here. All they had was each other. "Sure," I reply. "I missed Kat and you both so much!" Y/N smiles brightly at me, and we walk together down the stairs. She tells me all about what Korea has been like for them so far, and then explains the meeting of J-Hope at the bus stop. When we get to the lobby, she takes off her employee's badge, handing it to the receptionist with a bow of thanks.

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