The Boys, part 2 (ep 24)

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His POV (you'll be able to tell who it is, just keep reading)

I don't know when it happened, but I find my day revolving around the people I spend it with. During our debut years, it was work that kept me going. The passion that kept me up all night, dancing out my heart. Singing until my voice was almost gone and I had to take a break. Going under the hyungs' wing, and learning about the trade I was a part of. Then it became the fans, and what they represented. Someone that cared about us, enough to support us through thick and thin, making my sun shine. Keeping ARMY happy made me happy. After that, it became the people around me. The members, our staff, the people that made me smile because I knew them.

Next was her. The girl who made my heart beat so hard, so fast. The one who could make me feel like a lovesick teenager in one moment. Her.

'All of my wonder

You're the answer

I call you her, her

'Cause you're my tear, tear

All of my wonder

You're the answer

I call you her, her

'Cause you're my tear, tear'

I never realized how true those lyrics were until I went through it. My hyungs are really quite wise, aren't they? I hope that I grow up to teach others the wisdom of those that raised me from age fifteen. I want to make the world a better place.

All of these thoughts fill my head in the quiet time before the sun rises, before the people outside start their day.

Before Jimin gets up, trying to be quiet and always failing because he falls over, every morning, without fail.

Before Taehyung bursts in without a care in the world, his hair falling in wet clumps from his shower.

Before the world starts up, I am alone in bed, and wanting someone to hold, to whisper these pre-dawn thoughts to.


Namjoon's POV

We have to ask Bang PD-nim what he thinks of our idea to have Y/N and Kat work for us. Somehow, Jin-hyung and I became the representatives of our group for this particular mission. I think that's because Jin-hyung came up with it, and I'm the leader, so naturally I need to be the most mature after the oldest. (Jin is the oldest) All through the ride to the airport, I'm thinking about what I should say. I figure that asking the others for their opinion is the best way to go.

"I don't care at all," Yoongi-hyung answers me. "If Kat doesn't get the job, she can move into my apartment and the two of us can sleep in late together and Y/N can do something by herself."

"Hey!" Jungkook gets defensive for literally no reason. "She can move in with me, she wouldn't be alone!"

"GUYS!" I interrupt. "No one is moving in! No one is going to be alone! Focus on the question I asked. What should I say to convince PD-nim that they should come work for us?"

"I don't know, Namjoon," replies Jimin. "We don't really give speeches. And there really isn't a good reason for them to come work for us. We just like them."

"You could mention all of their skills in cosmetology," adds Hoseok. "It was kind of an impressive list." I nod, writing that down on my mental notepad.

"I can ask my brother how good of an employee Y/N is." Jin's eyebrows are drawn together in thought. As the other representative to Bang PD-nim, he feels the same pressure of coming up with a good argument that I do. "I'll text him right now." He pulls his phone out and begins to type. His fingers have always fascinated me.

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