Promise (ep 41)

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I was on my feet before I had fully processed what was happening, my body knowing better than my brain what it wanted. A security guard invited us out the door toward the noise, which seemed to be getting louder, if that was possible. The crowd seemed to contract and push closer to the gate as the vague white outline of a hulking aircraft pulled up to the jetway.

I heard shouts for all of the boys, each person in the crowd hoping desperately that one of the members would notice them. Such was the size of the crowd that when the boys exited the plane, I didn't see them for a moment. The screams got louder, and then I saw men in black t-shirts and jeans, arms spread wide, seeming to part the crowd like they had some sort of power over the fans. Behind them came Jin, followed by Jimin and Tae pressed close together. Not far behind them came Yoongi, then Namjoon and Hobi. When Hoseok's eyes roved over the crowd they caught mine and I could've sworn he smiled under his mask. His eyes were smiling, anyway.

Finally, I caught sight of my Kookie. His eyes, usually downcast in airports, seemed to surf over the crowd, which Kat and I stood a bit away from. Finally they landed on me, and I watched as a hand came up and formed a tiny finger heart, just for me. I smiled in response, although he probably couldn't see it under my mask, and made a bigger heart with both hands. He and the other boys continued to walk toward us, and the two security guards that had been with Kat and me blended seamlessly into their team when they got near enough. The screams followed us, but our group was quiet as we walked toward the exit for our cars. I inched closer to Jungkook and he softly took my hand. His was freezing, and I clasped it between both of mine to try and transfer some heat. He smiled at me in response. It was too loud in the airport for us to converse, so we walked surrounded by excited fangirl and boy screams.

Once we were outside with a little more privacy, Kookie turned to me and hugged me tightly, his strong arms encircling me and keeping me pressed to his chest.

"I mished you," I say with my face squished. "Did you haff a good time?" He chuckles and then lets me go a little bit.

"It was fun, but there was a certain torture to it knowing you were all the way over here," he replies. Then he kisses me, which leaves me smiling stupidly, and takes my hand again, leading us toward the cars, where the rest of the group minus Kat and Yoongi are waiting. The two of them are kissing a bit more... ferverently than Jungkook and I did, a bit away from the car. I look worriedly around, hoping that no fansites or sasaengs got through to see this. They haven't told the public yet as far as I'm aware.

We start getting into the two cars waiting for us, with Junggukkie sitting next to me and I don't really care where the others are, since I'm nestled into his side. He kisses the top of my head and I take my mask off, laying it in my lap. I hear Kat and Yoongi shut the door of the van, and then two clicks of seatbelts. Finally, the vehicle jolts and we begin the long drive to their dorm.


At some point I fell asleep on him, the lull of the car making me intensely sleepy. His head was on top of mine when I woke up, and I gently transferred it onto my own shoulder to relieve my aching neck. I sat up a little straighter and realized that the streets looked familiar. We were near home. When we get to the dorm, Jungkook and I walk sluggishly up to his room. I have his suitcase and he has his backpack. I help him unpack slowly, handing him the shirts and attempting to brush out the wrinkles from where he just threw everything into the suitcase. Next come his shorts and pants, followed by everything else that seemed to have migrated down to the bottom in his travels. I sneak a few photos of him while he's focused, because he's totally exuding boyfriend energy right now, and the fans will want to see. When we're done with clothes, we have to plug in all of his electronics, put away his cosmetics, and generally take care of everything else. At the end, I'm unusually tired, and I flop onto his bed, which has storage underneath and is half as tall as me. I wriggle into a comfortable position and hold up my arms, silently begging Kookie to come cuddle. He does so, and I snuggle into his warmth, a little bit overheated but ignoring that in favor of hugs. I'm the little spoon and he basically smothers me in love, pressing light kisses all over my neck where my hair fell to the side, leaving it bare. It tickles a bit.

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