A Secret Plan (ep 7)

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Hoseok's POV-right after leaving the restaurant

I just left Ossu Seiromushi, after enjoying some of my favorite foods. The amount of effort Y/N put into making everyone's stay good was awe-inspiring as well. I felt incredibly satisfied with my experience. I had said goodbye to Y/N with a hug, which I think surprised her.

I don't think she realizes that to me, she's already an amazing friend. Heck, I would even love it if she called me oppa. 

I made sure that my mask was in place before I got onto the bus, noticing as I did so that the absence of my earphones was incredibly obvious at the moment. A quiet buzzing of white noise, people breathing, and people rubbing their hands together to warm up filled my ears. I sat down in one of the vacant spaces at the back and closed my eyes, rubbing them for a moment, hoping it would help me think.

It didn't.

I opened my eyes and stared instead at the back of a woman's head, going so far as to count the silver hairs placed between the black ones.

Then it came to me.

A brilliant idea.

Inside my head, I said to myself, "Jung Hoseok, you are a GENIUS!" But no one except me knew about this tiny victory, since it was in my head.

I knew that with a little bit of help from Seokjin-hyung, I could pull this off.

I smiled brightly as I stepped off the bus and into the cold.


Jungkook's POV

I'm really annoyed with Hoseok-hyung. Ever since he showed me that picture of Y/N and told me that I was her bias, I can't stop thinking about her. Her face enters my thoughts at the most random times, like when we're practicing the dances for our songs.

In fact, I'm taking a break right now because I can't focus. Everytime I mess up, I imagine her and the other fans being disappointed, and my performance just keeps getting worse. How do I get better if all that's in my head is her?

I don't know what to do.

I've never felt like this before.

Is she thinking about me right now?

I really should focus.

I can't focus on anything else right now.

Jin's POV

I had just finished making myself a wonderful but simple breakfast when I heard a notification ding from my phone on the kitchen table.

I sat down with my food and opened my messages to see a message from Hoseok. I wondered what that could be about, since he doesn't message me often. He prefers to use calls.


Hey Hyung. I was thinking quite hard on my way home from breakfast.


Okay... whazzup?


So about Y/N... She actually works at Ossu Seiromushi. And that's where I went for breakfast.

So anyway, I was in her section, and her work ethic is amazing. But that's kinda beside the point.


Okay im still not getting what im supposed to do about this...

I know it's my restaurant, but what do you want me to do?

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