First Impressions (ep 11)

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Author's POV

Up until this point, these are the impressions people have of each other

-Namjoon and Yoongi both thought that Y/N looked nice, and Kat was pretty.

-Jin was cooking, but heard the others fan-girling and was excited to see them.

-Hoseok already knew Y/N was great, and thought that Kat looked like a fantastic unnie.

-Tae and Jimin both relented Y/N to Jungkook, but thought she was pretty and looked like a great friend. Kat also looked really kind to them, if a bit protective of Y/N.

-Jungkook was just all around awed by both girls. For full details, see chapter 10. He is a bit scared of Kat because she looks very protective of her dongsaeng.

-Kat knows all of the boys since she is an ARMY, but she's excited to meet them when they don't have a camera around, or makeup on. She is especially excited to meet Yoongi and Namjoon, as they're her biases. 

Okay, let's get this party started!

Y/N's POV, as they walk through the hall

I'm still nervous, although the feeling is lessened by my oppa in front of me and my unnie behind me. As we walk, I take my box out from my coat and move toward Hobi-oppa.

"Oppa," I start, hesitating slightly at the way I addressed him. He smiles back at me, so I continue. "I missed your birthday, and I felt really bad, so Kat and I got you a present."

"Oh, Y/N, you shouldn't have!" he replies with a bright and warm smile. His highlights stand out in this lighting, creating a halo effect around his head.

I smile back at him, as Kat moves forward to see the box in my hand.

"I didn't help with that," she says, confused. 

"Just pretend you did," I sigh. 

He chuckles before stopping us in front of a door marked with a sign reading 'Bangtan Sonyeondan'. I stick the package in my coat pocket once more since now is not the time for opening gifts.

"Let's go meet the members!"

He steps inside, leaving us to follow him. I glance at Kat before stepping into the room, with my unnie on my heels.

The first thing I notice is the decoration. It's gorgeous and a bit overwhelming and just... perfect. I can only imagine what Kat, as an artist, thinks. My jaw drops as I take in the red and gold, blue and white. It looks like someone took the Fourth of July decorations from our Michael's at home and mixed it with gold.

It's beautiful.

I make sure to close my mouth as my eyes take in the entirety of BTS. They're all dressed comfortably, but it's obvious that they're all trying for the 'dressy casual' look. They've stood up, all of them taking in our appearance and smiling happily. 

And GOSH, they're all TALL in real life. Even Jimin is about three inches taller than me, and about four taller than Kat. And then they just get taller, ending at Namjoon, who towers almost half a foot over me as he steps forward to greet us. 

"It's so nice to meet you! Hoseok has had us all on our toes waiting to see you both since Tuesday. I'm Namjoon," he says in English. 

I chuckle, hug him quickly, and respond in Korean, looking at the other boys. "I honestly was quite nervous at the thought of meeting you! But I'm glad we're here."

The others step forward in a group and come to shake our hands as well. I dodge Jin's hand and come in for a hug, hoping I won't offend him.

But he just chuckles and hugs me back, saying "Hello Y/N, I'm Jin." I decide not to mention that I already know all of them. It must be hard to have people already know you upon meeting them for the first time.

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