Home (ep 35)

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Waking up that Saturday feels like a blessing and a curse. I find myself unable to leave my bed, but I also know that the laundry needs to go on and so do the dishes. If I was really lazy and tired, I might hope that Kat would do it, but these things were on my to-do list for the week. Hers had grocery shopping and visiting Yoongi on it. She had done a ton of chores last weekend during my date, she insisted, so it was my turn to do the housework.

The thing was, I had no argument against it. I knew it needed to get done. I stayed in bed nonetheless for another hour before encouraging myself to get out of bed. I walked exhaustedly around the house, collecting random t-shirts and socks from strange corners. I had a habit of taking off socks when I came home and putting them in places they shouldn't go, like the couch or the end table or the kitchen island. Gross, I know. Once I had combed through every room I could think of, I piled it all into a laundry duffel, found the two actual laundry baskets, and grabbed the detergent. I added those to the mix and decided that today, I was taking the elevator down. I was not in the mood to wrestle everything down five flights of stairs. Not today.

At the precise moment I pressed the elevator call button, a rambunctious family rushed past me from the other direction, with the parents holding small shoes and complaining uselessly about how insubordinate kids are getting, and the kids running away with seemingly endless energy. I smile, but quickly realize that I left my mask in our apartment. This building is full of people who could certainly recognize me, and then we'd have to move. But I also couldn't go back for it without A) looking stupid and B) missing the elevator currently on Level 2.

I had to make a difficult decision that day. In the end, I just gave up, got on the elevator, and headed downstairs, making sure to swing my hair in front of my face whenever I saw someone around. Thankfully it was that time of day where all the early people are gone and all the late people are gone too. It was really that late in the morning. The teenagers who slept in (Hi cousin!!) would be up soon-ish, probably in about an hour. When the elevator dings to tell me we're in the basement, I heave my load and trundle down the hallway to the laundry room. I put the clothes in, and set the washer, then set an alarm on my phone to remind me to come and get them later. I decided that I should get some steps in while I could and walked all five flights of stairs to Level 4.

I collapsed onto the couch after that with a breakfast sandwich and re-watched Big Hero 6, just because I could.

나는 여전히 분배기에 무엇을 사용해야 할지 전혀 모른다. 여기 있습니다.

(I still have no idea what to use for the divider. Here's this.)


I wake up on Wednesday feeling a little unbalanced. One nostril was clogged, and the other was whistling annoyingly. My throat tickled constantly as I dragged myself out of bed and down the hallway, wanting a cup of tea. I rubbed at my eyes blearily, taking in Kat, putting on a sweatshirt to go to class. I too had a class today, but mine wasn't until three. Thank goodness. I wouldn't have made it three steps trying to rush today.

"Good morning!" she greets me brightly. "I had three shots of espresso this morning!"

"Oh my goodness, Unnie," I murmur back. "Why?"

"I wasn't feeling very 'up-and-at-'em', you know? So I drank some coffee and now I'm fine!"

"Right, well, you can take your over-caffeinated aura over there," I tell her, my voice scratchy and rough. "I need some tea."

"Are you feeling okay?" Her demeanor changes completely upon hearing my voice at full volume.

"I don't know. I just want some tea." Kat helps me get out the tea bag and honey, her sneakers thumping decisively against the floor. Then she pours the water for me and tells me to sit down, which I do. I'm already prepared for a nap, and I've been up all of ten minutes. Out of the blue, my body is wracked with coughs, and I cling to the counter for support as my abs clench and my throat stings. My arm comes up instinctively to cover my face, and Kat glances worriedly at me.

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