(Chloe's POV)
I walked down the hall towards the light. It seemed to be growing as I got closer.
Although that could just be because I was walking to it.
I stopped mid-step hearing someone laugh. I watched as a figure emerged from the blinding light.
"What do you think you're doing? It's not your time yet." The figure laughed as he came closer.
I couldn't tell who he was because his face and blurred, but I could tell it was a guy.
"Who are you?" I asked, my voice sounding muffled like I was underwater.
"You really don't recognize me, Chloe?" The figure asked. As he spoke his face became clear and I recognized him immediately.
"Luke?" I gasped covering my mouth in shock.
"Hey Red. You miss me?" He smiled and I let out a noise somewhere between a laugh and a sob.
"I always hated that nickname," I admitted.
"Nah. You loved it. You know you did. Besides, it suits you." He said, touching the tips of my hair gently. "It always has."
I jumped into his arms and let out a sob as his arms circled my waist. "I missed you so much."
"I know. I know you have." He muttered into my hair.
"Where am I?" I questioned, pulling back from him.
"Where you are doesn't matter. What matters though, is that you need to wake up. It's not your time yet." Like smiled down at me sadly.
"What does that mean?" I didn't understand what he meant.
"You can't come with me. And I can't come with you." He set his hands on my shoulders.
"This is a dream, Chloe. It's a dream. And right now, you need to wake up. I'm sorry." Lukes words broke my heart and I didn't even realize that they did.
"I wish I could explain, but something is going to happen soon, and you need to know that everything is going to change." He sighed pulling me into another hug and I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around him.
"I don't understand. What are you talking about?" I asked his shoulder.
"I know. But you will eventually. Just trust me. Just trust me one last time. Can you do that for me? Will you trust me just this one last time? Please?" He muttered, stroking the hair out of my face softly. I nodded instantly.
"I love you." Luke breathed before kissing me, his hands still on my cheeks. I kissed him back quickly before he pulled away.
"I love you too," I uttered before he disappeared into the light.
Opening my eyes I stared at the ceiling confused. I could feel tears running down the sides of my face, and my head felt like it had a jackhammer going off in it.
I pushed myself up and sat on one hand while the other went to feel the back of my head. As soon as I touched it I could feel the blood.
No doubt from my slip and fall.
I tightened my grip on my now loose towel and stood up cautiously. I had a feeling I might've had a concussion, and didn't want to risk falling again.
Looking at myself in the mirror, I could tell I had lost a fair amount of blood. My face was pale and I looked sick. Concentrating on the wound on the back of my head, I ran my hand over it, willing whatever damage I had done to close up and stop bleeding. Eventually I stopped and prodded at the spot that had been bleeding and sighed in relief to find that it wasn't anymore.
Deciding that I should shower again to get the blood out of my hair, I did. Except this time, I sat in the tub letting the water run over me.
Once no more blood ran off of my hair and down the drain, I got out slowly. Avoiding the spot where a little puddle of blood sat, I made my way to my bed and laid down on my stomach.
I assumed I fell asleep, because by the time I woke up, it looked dark out and there was knocking at my door.
"Goway!" I yelled muffling my voice in my pillow.
"Chloe! If you don't open this door right now I'm coming in!" I heard Wanda yell from the other side of the door.
I looked up at the door from my spot on the bed and willed the doorknob to turn.
With a little help from the shadow next to the door of course.
As the door opened, it revealed Wanda who looked more than a little PO'd. "It's about time! Where we're you? I've neem knocking for like ten minutes."
"Sleeping?" I hinted hoping that she would understand.
She didn't.
"Sleeping? How could you be sleeping through all my yelling and banging?" Wanda continued to scold me in Sokovian, but I just let my head flop into my soft comforter. I heard her gasp and looked up at her.
"Why is there a puddle of blood in your bathroom?"
I knew that would come back to bite me!
I used a shadow pull the door shut but Wanda forced it open with her own powers. "Chloe?" she looked at me expectantly.
"I slipped and fell. But I'm fine. My head just hurts." I confessed, not feeling up to lying to her.
"You hit your head?!" She looked at me seriously.
"Yes. But I'm fine now. Good ol' healing powers. It was just a flesh wound anyways. I just forgot to clean it up." I laid my head back down but was suddenly pulled up into a sitting position.
"You need to stay awake. I'm going to clean it up, and then you are seeing a doctor. You might have a concussion." She ordered. I nodded obediently and waited while she cleaned the bathroom.
After a while, she came out and helped me stand up. Making sure I pulled on some shorts and a loose t-shirt, she helped me down to the med-bay where a doctor was standing.
He was flashing a light into my eyes when I heard Mom's voice. "What happened to you?"
"She fell earlier. I watched it happen. I thought it would be best if I brought her here. Just to make sure she wasn't seriously hurt. " Wanda covered for me, and I swear I could have kissed her.
But that probably would have been weird.
"Is that true?" Mom asked coming into my sightline. I nodded as the doctor turned the light off.
"As far as I can tell, she's okay. Her head will probably hurt like the dickens for a few hours, but no serious damage that I can see." He spoke up and I sent him a thankful smile.
"Am I free to go?" I asked and he nodded. "Thank you."
I slipped off of the table I was sitting on and followed Wanda out. "Thank you for covering for me," I whispered. "I honestly didn't know what I was going to say."
"No problem." She smiled before walking away.
"Did you really fall?" Mom asked me and I nodded. "Are you okay?"
Another nod. "Okay. Let's get you something to eat. It's pretty late." I smiled, happy at the concept of food.
Hey, look! I did update! Yay! I legit have no motivation to write right now, and it sucks. But I'm also trying to get to Civil War cause I'm really excited about what's coming. So that kinda helps.
Tell me what you thought. I'd also really love to know what you think is going to happen in Civil War.

The Widows Daughter
FanfictionChloe always knew that her mom was somewhere out there in the world. But being hydras experiment toy, she never actually thought that she would ever meet her. All that changed when the avengers shutdown the hydra facility where she was being kept. N...