Nashville, Tennessee.
(Chloe's POV)"Jamie?" I whispered. Almost afraid of what would happen if I even uttered his name.
Jamie just stared at me, unblinkingly. I didn't know what to do.
Sure, I had always imagined what would happen if we ever met again, but it was always diminished by that fact that I knew he was dead.
Or at least I thought he was.
I took a step closer to him and he jumped up and grabbed me by the throat lifting me off the ground, choking me.
"Put her down or I will shoot!" I heard mom yell through the muffled sound in my head.
It probably sounded muffled because of the lack of air.
"I wont tell you again! Put her down, now!" She repeated.
"I'm sorry. Don't come after me again, Chloe." Jamie said with a cold look in his eyes then dropped me and ran off in whatever direction mom and I weren't in.
I sunk to the ground in a lump as tears fell down my cheeks. I faintly heard mom run over to me and ask me something but I didn't hear nor did I remember.
Let alone care.
I just sat there until Cap came over and picked me up off the ground and took me back to the jet.
I vaguely remember seeing Harley standing next to the jet and climbing out of Steve's grasp and hugging him before going onto the jet.
I sat across from Zack Ton and watched as he stared at me. I just stared back. Then it hit me.
Jamie's been working for him. For who knows how long.
I jumped out of my seat and stalked across the jet to him. I grabbed a fist full of his shirt and yanked him towards me.
"How long!" I demanded and he just looked scared.
"What?" He asked scared.
"Chloe!" Mom yelled.
"How long was he working for you! Jamie! How long!" I yelled at him.
"Chloe! Let him go!" Mom yelled trying to pull me off him.
"I...I don't know? I don't pick out the guys. They're just assigned to protect me." He said with fear evident in his voice.
I was seething. I didn't even realize that my feet had left the ground.
"Chloe! Calm down!" Mom had finally pulled me off the jerk of a guy and was holding me in front of her. "What is wrong with you? You're glowing. And floating. What are you talking about?"
Glowing? I was glowing?
I looked at my hands, and just like mom had said, I was glowing.
Well that was new.
I felt my feet touch the floor of the jet and my hands stopped glowing. I looked back at the jerk of a guy sitting in the seat looking at me with fear in his eyes.
Ha. Good. I'm glad he's afraid.
"Chloe, go sit with Steve. Now!" I looked at mom and felt something I had almost never felt before.
I shuffled to the front of the jet and sat next to Steve as he piloted the jet back to the compound.
"You want to tell me what that was back there? Chloe?" Steve snapped his fingers in front of my face.
"Just...lost it a little." I said sliding as far into the seat as I could.
"Okay, well...find it. We don't need you losing it." I sighed sinking even farther into the seat.
I walked off the jet and saw Tony, Wanda, and Vision all waiting for us.
"Vision, would you mind escorting our guest here, down to a nice pretty cell?" Mom asked as she followed me off the jet with one hand around Tons arm.
"How did it go?" Wanda asked me when I reached her.
Oh! Wonderful! Just wonderful!
"Besides the fact that my whole life was a lie, and I'm now grounded until the end of the time. For attacking him, by they way." I said pointing at Ton. "Just peachy. Oh, and Harley Kenner, he says hi." I tell Tony and see his face go from confusion to surprise, to more confusion.
"Bedroom, Chloe. Now." Mom said pointing towards the door.
"Yeah, yeah." I sighed hanging my head.
"I'll see you at the end of the century. Don't forget me." I said phasing through the floor and walking to my room.
See ya.
"You want to tell me what happened back there?" I looked up from the book I was reading and saw mom standing in the doorway.
"I don't know. Something just...snapped, I guess. His bodyguard, I recognized him." I stated.
"No, you didn't just recognize him Chloe, you full on knew him. I watched you. The look in your eyes, it was like your while world fell apart. Who was he?" I sighed in response to her question running a hand over my face.
She's right.
"Jamie." I said simply.
"What?" I looked at mom who was now sitting on my bed.
"Jamie. I told you about him, right? Or was that Wanda? Ugh. Jamie was...Jamie was like a big brother to me. And then they took him." I explained.
"Wait. Is this the same Jamie who Tony, Steve, and Thor, went looking for a while back?" Mom asked and I nodded.
"Yeah. Jamie Hays. His parents died when he was six. I watched him be dragged to the slaughterhouse. He should be dead. He can't be alive." I told her holding back tears.
He just can't.
"As far as I knew, Jamie has been dead for over five years. And...and now all of the sudden...he's alive? I guess I figured that if he had been working for Zack Ton, then he could tell me how Jamie was alive." I completed burying my face in my hands.
"Hey. It is not your fault. Whatever happened in the past, it's in the past. You can't change it. I am sure that there is a reason as to why Jamie is alive. And I'm sure, that out of all of us, you will be the first to find out why. You are not to blame, and it is most definitely not your fault." I said rubbing my back and then pulling me into a hug.
If it wasn't my fault, then why do I feel like it is?
Hey everyone! I decided that I should drop another chapter. Might as well seeing as I'm in the car and it's like a five/six hour drive.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Tell me what you think. Any mistakes I missed?
See y'all next time. Bye!

The Widows Daughter
FanfictionChloe always knew that her mom was somewhere out there in the world. But being hydras experiment toy, she never actually thought that she would ever meet her. All that changed when the avengers shutdown the hydra facility where she was being kept. N...