Where am I? Why is it so bright? Where's all the light coming from?
"Mom? Mom, where are you?"
Why is my voice so loud? It's like I'm in a box, my voice keeps bouncing, but there are no walls. I don't think there are anyways.
Wait. There's a shadow. Is it-is that a person?
I hate that my voice bounces so much. I wish it would stop. Did-did it just stop? I think it stopped.
The shadow looks closer. Is it closer? It is closer, isn't it? It looks like a person. I think it's a person.
"Who are you?"
It's closer now. It's definitely a person. I just can't to who it is.
"You really can't recognize me, Red?"
Luke? It can't be! But-but Luke's-
"Miss me?"
My laugh bounces. I don't mind it this time.
I jump. He's holding me. It's real. After everything, all this time, he's here. He's real.
Luke is smiling.
"Thought I'd drop by for a visit real quick. I can't stay long, but I can stay for a little bit."
I'm frowning now. For a little bit?
"What? What do you mean? Where am I? Where are we?"
Luke takes my hand and holds it. His thumb rubs my palm. He smiles.
"I need you to listen, Chloe. This is important."
Luke is looking at me. I am nodding.
"You're going to wake up soon. When you do, you're going to be scared, and confused. Then probably angry. But I need you to remember something."
Lukes holding my face in his hands.
"You are so strong. So powerful. So beautiful. You are amazing."
"You're scaring me,"
Luke is smiling but there is a look in his eyes.
"I know, I'm sorry. I don't mean to, but you need to know this. It needs to be said. You are going to wake up and be hurt and confused and angry, but you need to focus on the real fight, okay?"
I'm nodding. I have no idea what he's saying, but I'm listening. It seems important.
"You need to remember that the real enemy is Thanos. You need to make sure you keep your head on and focus on staying in the fight."
I'm nodding. There must be a reason why Luke is telling me this. I wish I knew what he was talking about.
"What do you mean when I wake up?"
My voice bounces slightly.
"You're in a dream state, Red. You'll wake up in a few minutes, and go back to reality. I'm trying to make sure you understand this though. Stay focused when you get back. You can do everything you need to do in time, but right when you get back, fight."
I am so confused. I don't understand.
"Fight like your life depends on it, because it will. You need to fight no matter what. No matter what you feel, you fight."
There is a noise somewhere. I can hear it. It seems close, but I can't tell. It sounds like voices.
"Who's talking?"
I am turning in a circle trying to find the voice.
"You're waking up."
Luke is smiling when I look at him.
"I want to stay with you,"
"You can't. I'm sorry, Red. But i promise you, I'm gonna be watching you the entire time."
I'm crying now. Luke is wiping my tears. i want to stay with him.
"You are so beautifully and strong. Your Mom is so proud. She is so proud of you and she loves you so much."
Mom? Why is he talking about Mom?
"You're going to be okay, I promise."
Luke is moving. Or he's disappearing. He's fading.
"Your mom loves you so much, Chloe, remember that."
He's gone. There's white around me. No, there's color. Spreading across everywhere. What's happening?
Okay, this was like really fun to write because it was so different from what I normally do. Anyways, more trauma coming soon 😁, so stay tuned.

The Widows Daughter
FanfictionChloe always knew that her mom was somewhere out there in the world. But being hydras experiment toy, she never actually thought that she would ever meet her. All that changed when the avengers shutdown the hydra facility where she was being kept. N...