A few weeks later.
(Chloe's POV)He looked so peaceful. Like he didn't have a care in the world. It would be a shame if something happened...
I smiled deviously as the shaving cream filled Sam's right hand. Smirking, I lifted a hand and a feather gently brushed against his face.
Don't ask where I got the feather.
Sam brushed his face with his left hand and I groaned internally. I continue messing with the feather and finally, he smacks his face with his right hand. I silently rejoice at my win and he sat up groaning.
"What happened?" He asked confused.
I turned around from where I was sitting and looked a him with fake innocence. "What do you mean?"
He looked at his hand then at me. He looked like he was halfway between angry and impressed. "What did you do?"
"I didn't do anything." I lied.
"Really?" I nodded. "Then why is there shaving cream all over me?"
I shrugged half-heartedly. "Oh, I'm going to kill you." He smirked getting up from where he had been sleeping peacefully mere seconds ago and stalked towards me.
The door opened as I got up from the chair I was in and I sprinted to Mom who stood in the doorway watching. "He's trying to kill me!" I cried hiding behind her like a little kid.
Sam stopped in front of Mom and glared at her. "Do you see what she did?" He huffed.
"Impressive. But can you please try not to kill my daughter?" She crossed her arms.
Sam grumbled as he walked to the bathroom to clean his face and I made an obscene gesture at him. "Chloe." Mom said warningly.
"Sorry, Mom." I apologized both surprised and sheepishly.
How did she even know what I was doing?
She turned to me with a frown on her face. "This thing you want to do, are you sure about it?"
"I'm sure. I owe him a lot and it's only fair. He risked his freedom, the both did, if I can help them I'm going too." I told her. I was sure about what I wanted to do, and I wasn't going to leave them alone.
"You know that if you do this, you'll be on your own for a while, right?" Mom cautioned. She wasn't keen on my plan, but I was adamant about it.
"I know. But I can take care of myself." I smiled confidently. "Besides, it's only for a few weeks. I've been through enough horrors, nothing or no one is gonna get me."
Mom nodded grimly. "I want you to promise me you won't put yourself in danger if you don't have to, you understand?"
"Yeah. I understand."
Sighing, she laughed me tightly. "I love you."
"I love you too, Mom."
I sat on the plane quietly. All these thoughts were swirling around in my head.
I knew what I was getting myself into, but it didn't mean I wasn't scared. Doing this could mean ending up in a cell again.
For good.
The prospect of seeing their faces, I think that might scare me just as much though. They know that if I get caught I probably won't get out.
Bit making this up to them is more important.
"Just be careful, for Nat's sake. Be careful." Sam said from the cockpit as he landed the Quinjet.
"I will. And thank you for doing this. Mom wouldn't be able to, and I highly doubt Steve would want to." I thanked him.
"You just take care of our guys, okay?" Sam mumbled. I nodded before hugging him tightly.
"I'm sorry you don't get to see your nephews for a while." He looked at me surprised. "If I get the chance to head down there, I can if you want."
Sam smiled at me before nodding his head slightly. "You just watch your back until we can get to you." I smiled at his worry and agreed.
Even if nothing came out of my plan, at least I get to see them.
Sighing, I grabbed my backpack and got off the jet. My feet hit the grass and I breathed in the fresh air. After spending so many hours in a stuffy motel room, it was refreshing.
If I was going to get to where I needed to be, I needed to leave.
I took one last look at Sam, who was standing on the Quinjet solemnly. I smiled one last time before leaving. I had a long walk and not a whole lot of time to get where I needed to be, so I had to get a move on.
If my plan worked, I wouldn't see mom or anyone for a while. And while I want super big on that idea, it was better than the alternative.
They could go to prison. For a long time. I could go to prison for a long time. And that wasn't really something I was fond of. But if I was going to end up in a cell again, it was going to be of my own doing. Not because someone else put me there.
If I'm going to suffer, it'll be by my own hand.
On the other hand, they still might go to prison. We all could. And then Mom, Sam, and Steve would come and save us, putting them at risk, and it could all go very badly.
Let's just hope everything goes according to plan.
The courthouse was white and big. The throng of reporters outside was astounding also. I momentarily regretted my plan, but remembered why I was doing this.
I couldn't go back on it now. Not now that I was here.
Taking a deep breath I slipped my jacket hood over my head and quietly moved through the crowd. For my plan to work I had to go completely undetected. If anyone were to catch me or something everything would go out the window and I'd be screwed.
Hey guys I'm finally back! Sorry for the hiatus, I've had a lot of crap happen in my life the past 2 months.
Let me know what you thought of the chapter. What do you think Chloe's plan is?
Also, special shoutout to @Astrariddle and @Dasiy_flower1039 just cause y'all are so cute and I love your interactions. I also hope you don't mind me calling you guys out🙂😉

The Widows Daughter
FanfictionChloe always knew that her mom was somewhere out there in the world. But being hydras experiment toy, she never actually thought that she would ever meet her. All that changed when the avengers shutdown the hydra facility where she was being kept. N...