Sorry about the last chapter being really long.
Unknown location in France. 2010
(Chloe's POV)I walked next to the dark haired boy. I looked up into his bright blue eyes. I loved his eyes. I wish I had eyes like his.
"Jamie? Why do we have to go?" I asked.
"You know the rules Cee. As long as we don't ask questions and we obey, we'll be fine." Jamie told me.
I nodded remembering what had happened to Lena. I could hear her screaming every time I remembered when they took her away.
"Jamie, What if they take you away?" I asked with a hint of fear in my voice.
Jamie stopped short. He looked at me for a minute and then got down on his knees so that he was level with me.
"I promise, that I will never leave you. Ever! I promise." He said cupping one of my cheeks with a hand.
"You absolutely, positively promise?" I asked him with a weak smile.
"I absolutely, positively perfectly promise!" He said with a smile as he taps my nose with the tip of his finger.
I gave him a hug and he returned it even tighter.
"Come on. You know what happens when we're late." He said as we hurried down the hall to the lab.
As we opened the lab door I could see the four other kids.
Zari, who was twelve, had medium length dark curly hair and brown eyes.
Luke and Annie, who were ten. Luke had blond hair and eyes like stars, Annie had short red hair and gray eyes.
Charlotte, who was fourteen, had blonde hair and hazel eyes.
Being eight, I was the youngest out of all of us, and Jamie, who was fifteen was the oldest.
Jamie and Charlotte were kinda like our big siblings/parents, plus we were pretty sure that they were a thing. Or at least that's what Zari and Annie said.
I wasn't really sure what it meant, but I agreed.
"Everyone! Get in line!" The doctor yelled in French.
We all obliged and got in line from youngest to oldest. The doctor handed us each a pill and a cup of water.
We did this every morning. We would get a pill and swallow it whether we liked it or not. And if you didn't, they force fed it to you.
I put the pill in my mouth, took a sip of water, and swallowed, looking over at the door where kids go in but very rarely come back out. I was lucky to not have to go in there yet.
My eyes glided over to Jamie and rested of his face. He looked over at me and gave me a little smile.
The doors to the lab bursted open to reveal three men in black armor with big guns. They stocked towards Jamie and I could tell what was about to happen. Annie grabbed my hand, which only told me that I was right. I knew exactly what was about to happen.
The men grabbed Jamie by the arms and started to pull him out of the room.
"Jamie!" I yelled.
"Jamie! No don't take him! Please! I'm sorry! Jamie!" I looked over to see Charlotte who had tears streaming down her face.
"Your gonna be okay! I promise you! Take care of them!" Jamie yelled as they pulled him out the door. "I love you!"
That was the last thing he said.
I looked over to Zari who was trying to keep Charlotte from falling on the floor. I held onto Annie's hand for dear life, as if it was the only thing that was keeping me standing. It kinda was.
"Let this be a lesson to all of you, that you ARE expendable! All of you are replaceable! Lena was a warning!Jamie, was a punishment! As for you young lady!" The doctor spat, taking Charlotte's face with one hand.
"I told you that there would be consequences for your actions. DON'T let it happen EVER again!" He spat calmly but loudly.
"All of you. Get out!" He yelled pointing to the door.
We quickly left the lab and hurried down the hall to our 'rooms'.
We called them 'rooms' because it was nicer then calling them our cells.
About halfway to our rooms Charlotte lost it. She sunk to the floor, tears streaming down her face.
'Charlotte!" Zari whisper-yelled as she went back for her.
"Come here. I'm so, so sorry." She said.
"It-It was all- all my fault." Charlotte sobbed.
"No it wasn't." I said calmly as I walked over and sat in her lap.
"It wasn't your fault. It was theirs. They are the ones who took Jamie. Not you. He wanted to protect you. All of us." I told her.
"When-when did you-you become so-so smart?" Charlotte asked between sobs.
I shrugged.
"Charlotte, you know what happens when the catch us out. We need to go." Luke said as he picked me up.
Luke was very strong for his age, and since Jamie was gone now, he was the 'man around here' as Jamie had called it.
Charlotte sniffed and then nodded. We headed down to our rooms where guards were waiting for us. The rooms we stayed in were all down one hallway. Girls on one side, boys on the other.
Charlotte was first,then Zari, Luke, Annie, and then me. It was arranged by age.
In each of our rooms was a bed, a wardrobe, a small book shelf, and a table for our food. In the corner of each of everyone's rooms was a vent that we talked through. It was the only way we could communicate when we were in our rooms, but it was better then nothing. Each of us had little keepsakes that we hid. I had a little Russian nesting doll and a ring that I hid under my pillow,
Charlotte had a necklace that had a ring attached to it, Zari had a locket with a picture of her family, Annie had a little stuffed cat, Luke had a picture of Germany, and Jamie had a letter from his mom and dad.
Or he did.
I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes slowly letting darkness overtake my mind as I slipped into a dreamless sleep.
Here's a little of Chloe's backstory. I hope you guys enjoy. I really had a lot of fun writing this chapter and it has got to be one of my favorites.

The Widows Daughter
FanfictionChloe always knew that her mom was somewhere out there in the world. But being hydras experiment toy, she never actually thought that she would ever meet her. All that changed when the avengers shutdown the hydra facility where she was being kept. N...