Part ninety-eight

881 34 5

(Chloe's POV)

"So you can go through walls?"

"Yep." I phased my hand through the table.

"That is so cool." Yelena smiled widely which in turn made me smile.

"Oh! I can also do this," I held out my hand and made her cup float in inky mist.

"What else can you do?" She asked in a child-like manner.

"This," I spoke in her head.

She stared at me in shock before announcing, "You have the coolest kid, Natasha!" in Russian.

"And this," I formed a sharp tip of shadow and made a small cut on the back of my hand, the preceded to heal it as my other hand slowly moved over it.

"Now that's freaky." Yelena grimaced but laughed at the same time.

"She can also float." Mom said as she came in for the other room.

"Yes, but that's circumstantial." I reminded her.

"And the glowing," Mom added.

"You can glow?" Yelena looked like her mind was blown.

"Oh and my eyes have glowed black before, but I'm not sure why that happens," I added.

Yelena looked between me and Mom. "You would be a cool way to die."


"Ignore her." Mom laughed.

"O-okay..? I don't..." I was so confused.


I protected my face from Melina's punch before kicking her back. "I am sorry about earlier. I did not mean to upset you." She apologized while avoiding my roundhouse.

"It's alright. I just don't do well with people backseat fighting." I explained.

"You are a good fighter. Very skilled, but lacking." She told me right before swiping my feet out from under me. I landed on my back with a thud.

"Thanks." I gasped for breath.

"Please don't kill my daughter." Mom said from the doorway.

"No, I wasn't going to kill her much. Just a little bit." Melina joked. "Right?" She smiled down at me.

I raised my thumb in agreement not able to get words out. Mom laughed from the door but made her way over to where I laid on the mat covering the floor. "You good?"

"Mmhm." I hummed.

"Come on." Mom offered her hand and I took it, being lifted off the floor. "Brush it off, take deep breaths, and get her back." She said under her breath.

I nodded taking deep breaths. Facing Melina I raised my hands in defense and she took it as her cue to advance. She stepped toward me, fish flying, and I did some dance crap I had to learn in Hydra.

I dropped to my knees to avoid getting smacked in the face by her foot and tried to kick her feet from under her but missed. She attempted to kick me in the chest as I stood up, but I caught her foot and pushed it to the side as forcefully as I could. Melina stumbled and I took that to my advantage. I rushed towards her and roundhouse kicked he, making her fall.

She stared at me in shock and then laughed. "I take it back, you are very skilled."

"Thank you." I smiled breathlessly offering her my hand.

"You taught her well, Natasha." Melina complimented Mom.

"Thank you, but most of that wasn't me." Mom smiled but I could see the sadness and shame hidden beneath it.

"I think I'm gonna go shower if we're done if that's okay," I told them.

"'Course. Go ahead." Mom smiled.

"Well done," Melina smiled as I walked away and I sent her a smile back.


"So, I have the nuclear code. But there he is. Captain America." Alexei emphasized.

I raised my eyebrows at his story. "Captain America?"

"Yes, Captain America." Alexei smiled.

"When was this again?"

"I didn't know, '83, '84? Something like that." Alexei waved off the question.

Steve was still on ice in the '80s, however, I am not going to be the one to break that to him.

"Interesting." I smiled.

"Are you really telling her that story?" Mom asked entering the room.

"Why not? It is a good story." Alexei defended.

"I'm sure it is, but Steve was still on ice in the '80s. I'm sorry to tell you, but either that wasn't Captain America, or you're lying." I smiled apologetically.

Alexei looked defeated but his expression changed almost immediately. "Well, clearly I'm not lying." He defended.

"Clearly." I smiled letting it go. I turned to Mom and recognized her look. "What's up?"

"I hate having to end this short, but we need to go." Mom said sadly.

"What's happened?" I asked concerned.

"Steve found something. In France."

I sighed knowingly. "Found what?"

"He won't say over the channel, but he says it's important and we need to come immediately."

"Okay." I sighed. If Steve said it was important but wouldn't say it over a secure channel, then who knew what he found. "Okay, I'll go get ready."

Mom smiled at me apologetically. "I'm sorry. I really wanted to stay longer for you."

"It's alright, we can just come back later when we don't have some important unknown thing to go see." I joked making her laugh.


"Thank you for letting us crash here for a few days." Mom thanked Melina.

"Of course. Come back anytime. You know you're always welcome. You both are." She smiled at us.

"You need to show me how you do the going through walls thing." Yelena hugged me.

"Well I can't really show you how to do it but can show you again if you want." I laughed.

"I would not say no," She shrugged making me chuckle.

"Thank you for the lesson." I thanked Melina as I hugged her.

"Of course, you can come back anytime and we can have a rematch." She winked and I nodded with a smile.

"You come back as I'll tell you some stories," Alexei said and I shook my head smiling.

"Are these going to be real and not ones you made up?" I questioned.

"I did not make it up," He defended and I laughed.

We said our goodbyes one last time before climbing into the jet. "So France?" I asked as Mom started up the jet.

"France." She nodded.

Oh, joy.

What could possibly be in France? Loved getting to write this chapter, especially Yelena and Chloe interacting.

Let me know what you thought.😁

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