Part nine

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A/N: this one is pretty long you guys. Just letting you know now.

(Steve's POV)

I could feel Chloe's blood soaking through my suit. I looked down at her face.

She was pale. Scary pale.

She was losing too much blood way to fast. Natasha ran beside me stealing glances at Chloe she ran. Clint was in front of us.

We were getting closer to the mane fighting when three men with guns came around the corner and Clint shot all three at the same time.

I could see Tony up ahead. He was taking out the last of the men in this part of the facility.

"Tony!" I yelled.

He looked at me and then shot the last guy. He came over and his helmet retracted into his suit.

"How bad is it?" He asked looking at Chloe.

"Bad." Clint said walking over.

"The best I can tell is that it hit just under her rib." Clint explained.

"Cap?" Tony asked which caused me look up from Chloe.

"Take her. Get her to the jet. Try and stop the bleeding as best as you can. Where's Banner?" I asked trying to stay calm.

All I can think about is what I said to Chloe back on the jet. I told her she would be fine. I told her we would have her back. Well, we didn't do a very good job.

I didn't do a very good job.

I can't think about that right now. I need to focus.

"I'll find him." Natasha told us.

"You sure?" Tony asked.

Natasha nodded her head.

"Get her on the jet. I'll find Bruce. Just don't let her die!" She said as she took off down the hall.

"Get Chloe out of here. We will deal with the rest of these guys." I told Tony.

He nods as his helmet covered his head. I gently hand him Chloe and he flew her out of the building.

I looked at Clint who looked back.

"After you Cap." He says gesturing for me to go first.

I ready my shield and get ready to beat up some bad guys. 

(Tony's POV)

I can see the jet.

"Jarvis." I said.

"Yes sir?" The AI asked.

"I need you to start the Quinjet for me. And then make sure that Dr. Jones is ready at the tower. We've got a little problem." I told him.

"Of course sir. Is there anything else?"

"No. That is all. Actually... would you tell Pepper that I am going to be a little late tonight."

"Very well sir."

"Thanks buddy." I thanked my AI smiling a little.

I landed in front of the jet and went inside, laying Chloe down on the floor and getting a blanket to stop the bleeding.

"Guys. The kid doesn't look to good." I said into the coms.

"I've got Bruce. We're on our way." I heard Romanoff said.

"Thor. Status?" Steve asked Thor.

"I am done with my half. I am on my way back now." Thor responded.

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