(Chloe's POV)I sat staring at the floor as I listened to Jamie.
"So...that's kinda it." Jamie said.
I looked at him for a minute and then felt anger boil up inside my chest.
I felt tears build up in my eyes again. "Nous tu avons pleuré! Je pensais que tu étiez mort! Je pensais que tu aviez tous perdu, et tu revenez et dites, désole?!" I rambled on at him in French all the while yelling.
He just sat there and watched me as I screamed at him. He didn't say anything, he just listened.
Just like he always did.
After a few minutes of yelling and the occasional cursing, I calmed down enough, to let him talk.
"I know. I know, and I am so, so sorry." Jamie said quietly as he got off his seat and walked to me.
"I never meant for this to happen. Every day...every day I would see all your faces, and remind myself that I was doing this so that I could maybe, some day, see all of you again. I knew that it was just a fantasy, and eventually...eventually I just started to tell myself that you were dead. It was just easier." He said wiping the tears from my cheeks.
I turned my head so that I wouldn't have to look at him. "I just wanted you to know, that no matter what, you will always be my little soeur, Chloe. Always and forever."
I watched as an ant walked across the floor and into the wall. I thought about how he was there and then disappeared.
Like Jamie.
"You know...I found my mom." I said still watching the floor.
"You did? That's great! Who is she?" I looked at Jamie and saw him beaming.
"The Veuve Noire." I said with a smirk. "And oh how you are going to be sorry when she gets here, because you just kidnapped her daughter. Not to mention that I'm an Avenger. And they will stop at nothing, nothing, to get me back. I am glad that you're not dead, but you made a big mistake by taking me. And whether I like it or not, you are going to pay."
Back at the Avengers compound.
(Steve's POV)I was walking to my room when I heard Wanda call my name, so I walked towards the sound of her voice.
"Steve!" I heard her yell again but this time it was coming from Chloe's room.
Oh no.
I ran to her room and saw Nat sitting on the bed and Wanda looking very concerned.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Chloe is missing. This was on her bed when we go here." She said pulling a piece of paper from Nat's hand and giving it to me.
I looked at the piece of paper and read what it said.
Do not follow. If you do, she will pay the cost.

The Widows Daughter
FanfictionChloe always knew that her mom was somewhere out there in the world. But being hydras experiment toy, she never actually thought that she would ever meet her. All that changed when the avengers shutdown the hydra facility where she was being kept. N...