Part eighty-four

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Berlin, Germany. Leipzig/Halle airport, level B6.
(Chloe's POV)

"I'm just saying, what does he even do?" Wanda asked.

"Sam says he knows him. Apparently, he can change size or something. I'm not completely sure though." I told her as a small blue car parked next to us.

"Here they are," Clint said as he got out. "Cap."

Wanda opened her door and got out. I followed behind and shut the door. "You know I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice," Steve said as he and Clint shook hands.

I watched Sam and Bucky as they got out of the small car. I nodded my head at Bucky and he did the same to me.

"Hey, man, you're doing me a favor. Besides, I owe a debt." Clint told him looking back at me and Wanda.

"Thanks for having my back." Steve thanked Wanda.

"It was time I got off my butt." She shrugged.

"You don't have to be here." He said to me. "You can back out now."

"No. This is my family. You stand with family and you fight for them. I'm not gonna abandon you guys. Besides, I owe him my life twice now I think." I pointed at Bucky. "It's the least I can do."

"Even if you have to fight your mom?" Steve asked.

"She picked her side, and I picked mine." I finalized.

Steve nodded in understanding. "How about our other recruit?"

"He's rarin' to go." Clint moved to the white van that we 'borrowed', and opened the door. "Had to put a little coffee in him but...he should be good."

The man inside the van, Scott Lang, woke with a start. I gave Sam a look and then turned my attention to Scott who climbed out of the van. "What time zone is this?" He groaned.

"Come one. Come on." Clint pushed him towards Cap and I moved to lean against the van next to Clint.

"Captain America!" Scott shook Steve's hand excitedly.

"Mr. Lang."

"It's an honor," Scott told him, still shaking Caps hand. "I'm shaking your hand too long."

Ya think?

Steve nodded and let go. "Wow! This is awesome! Captain America. I know you too. And you. You're great! Both of you!" Scott pointed and Wanda and I then turned back to Steve and sorta shook his arms. "Jeez. Ah, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so thinks for thanking of me. Hey man!" I frowned at his last sentence.

Did he just say, "thinks for thanking of me"?

"What's up, Tic Tac?" Sam acknowledged Scott.

Tic Tac? This is Tic Tac? It all makes sense now! Ha!

"Uh, good to see you. Look, what happened last time when I saw you-"

"It was a great audition, but it'll-it'll never happen again." Sam laughed.

Oh, he is soooooo telling me the whole story when this is all over!

"They tell you what we're up against?" Steve asked changing the subject.

"Something about some psycho-assassins?" Scott guessed.

"I tried. I really did try." I muttered under my breath and Clint chuckled.

"We're outside the law on this one. So if you come with us, you're a wanted man." Steve told him, but I had a feeling it was also pointed at me.

"Yeah, well, what else is new?" Scott asked sarcastically.

"We should get moving," Bucky spoke up.

"We got a chopper lined up." Clint informed us, but a man on the PA interrupted everyone's train of thought.

"This is an emergency. All passengers must evacuate the airport immediately." The man said in German.

"They're evacuating the airport," Bucky said as he shifted his footing.

"Stark," Sam concluded.

"Stark?" Scott asked quickly.

"Suit up," Steve commanded and everyone moved to grab their gear.

I walked over to where I could see all the planes. I reached out and tried to find Tony and the others.

"You not going to change?" Bucky inquired from behind me.

"Don't need to," I said turning around to face him. As I turned I felt shadows swirl around my fingertips, up to my arms, across my body, and down my legs.

Once I was fully facing him I was standing in a similar suit to what I was wearing in Latvia. It was a dark blue top and bottom, and black combat boots.

"Impressive." He smiled but it dropped quickly. "I'm sorry you had to come all the way out here."

"Hey, " I set my hands on his shoulders. "You've saved my life like twice now. Helping you, it's only fair. I trust you. If you were still the Winter Soldier, you wouldn't have saved me those two times."

He swallowed but said nothing. "If I didn't think that you were a good guy, I wouldn't have come." I told him turning back to the runway.

"Are you worried?" He asked standing next to me.

"I don't want to fight them. They're my family. I don't like the idea of being on different sides, but they made their choice, and I made mine. So if I have to fight them, I will." I explained and he hummed.

"You guys ready?" Steve asked walking up to us.

"Yep." I nodded and followed him back towards everyone else.

"Alright. This is how it's going to work..."


"Everyone in position?" I asked adjusting the earpiece I had in.

"Yep." Clint's voice said.

"Yes." Sam spoke.

"Yeah." Scott answered.

"Ready when you are." I nodded at Steve.

"Last chance." He told me.

I hesitated for a moment before answering. I could go. I could leave. I wouldn't have to fight.

But everyone else would fight. If it meant helping, they would fight. No doubt fighting until they couldn't anymore.

But I could go back to the farm...

No. I'll fight.

"Not a chance. I'm staying. Fighting till the end." I told him in a tone that said, 'end of discussion'.

"Alright. Let's go."

Happy Star Wars day!!! Hope you liked this chapter, the fight stars next.

Just so everyone knows, updates might be a bit farther apart now because I'm waiting for Black Widow to come out so I can integrate that in if I have to. I'll still update, but once we get past the end of Civil War, I might not update for a bit just until it comes out.

Thanks for reading. Tell me what you thought. And I just realized that this book has over 200,000 reads!!!🤯😮 So thanks for that. Bye!!

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