Part twelve

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(Steve's POV)

"So, let me get this straight? Chloe, is your baby." I said pointing to Natasha after she had explained everything about Chloe.

"Yeah." She replied as I scratched the back of my head.

"When did- when did you have a baby?" Bruce asked.

"About thirteen years ago." She said in a sarcastic tone.

"If Chloe is indeed yours, then why give her up?" Thor asked.

Nat sighed.

"At the time, if the people I worked for had found out that I had been pregnant, they would have done who knows what to her. I gave her up so that she could have a chance at a somewhat normal life. I didn't know Hydra was gonna come and use the kids at the orphanage as lab rats." Nat told us as she crossed her arms.

"It doesn't matter when or how Chloe came to be, what matters right now is that she's hurt and she's going to need to be somewhere where she can heal." Tony said as he rubbed his chin.

I looked at Nat who looked at Clint. A silent agreement passed between them.

"I got it covered." She said.

Everyone looked confused.

"What do you mean?" Bruce asked.

"I mean that I know of a place where she can rest. It's perfectly safe. No one will find her." Natasha told Bruce with a hint of coldness.

He must have heard her cold tone because he backed off her case.

"Are we sure that it would not be easier if Chloe were to stay here?" Thor asked.

"Yeah." Tony agreed. "It would probably be safe-"

"No." Nat cut him off.

"Chloe is my responsibility. She's my kid. When you go through hours of labor, and have to push a watermelon sized kid out of your body, just to have a little girl, then feel free to judge what I decide to do. But until then, I will take care of Chloe how I want to." She ranted as she got closer to Stark.

You could hear Tony gulp.

"Do you understand me Stark?" She asked in a calm but deadly tone.

He nodded so vigorously I was afraid he would hurt his neck.

Natasha smiled and left the room leaving Tony in a state of pure fear. 

I looked at Clint who turned and followed Nat. I looked at Tony and then followed Clint.

"Does she really have somewhere for Chloe?" I asked as soon as I had caught up to him. He only nodded in response.

"Clint." I said putting my arm in front of him so he would stop.

"Nat has a place for Chloe, and it's perfectly safe." I nodded satisfied.

"Just keep her safe." I told him. He nodded and went after Nat.


I watched as Clint carried Chloe onto the jet and set her down on a row of seats.

"Take good care of her." I told Nat jokingly.

"We want her back in one piece." I gave her a hug.

"How long are you going to be gone for?" Bruce asked.

"A few weeks. I wanna make sure that she'll be okay if I have to leave. Get her settled in, long enough to the point were she can fend for herself." Natasha replied.

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