(Chloe's POV)
As I neared the building I thought Sam and Bucky were in, the spiderling came flying through a window and crashed into me. We spiraled towards the ground and I did my best to cushion the landing, but unfortunately, shadows only soften the blow so much.
"Ow...." I laid on my back, my head on something relatively soft.
"You're telling me." I jumped up immediately and mist flowed from my hands as I looked at the boy in front of me.
I looked up at a small red thing in the air and realized it was Redwing. "That thing get you?" I asked as the boy stood up.
"Yeah. You know, I'm not really sure what it's made out of, but it's impressive." He gestured.
I cursed Sam mentally but refocused on the spider-thing in front of me. "You do know that there isn't supposed to be this much talking, right?" I inquired.
"Yeah, I know. That's what Mr. Wilson said." I snorted at his comment.
"Wow...Sam is gonna get a kick out of that when I tell him what you said." I laughed but quickly turned serious. "I don't want to hurt you kid. Leave."
"Mr. Stark told me about you. You won't hurt me. Not really." He boasted. He sounded extremely overconfident.
"Tony must have told you a lot." I raised an eyebrow.
"Yep." I could practically hear his smile.
"Good. Did he tell you that I'm a trained killer? That for years I had to fight, and kill, and hurt to survive. You really think I won't hurt you?" I didn't really want to sound mean, I just wanted to scare him a bit.
And it seemed to work too.
The spiderling took a step back almost involuntarily, but then stood his ground. "You can try." He said shooting stuff from his hands. It wrapped around my hands and feet and I tried not to stumble.
Taking the time to examine the sticky stuff, I realized it looked like spiderwebs.
Ohhhh....Spider-Man. I get it.
Pulling a shadow towards me, the thing practically exploded. "Kid, last time I'm warning you. This isn't your fight."
"Who are you calling kid? I'm fifteen!" He told me and I froze slightly. I watched as the eyes in his mask got wider as he realized his mistake.
He's fifteen?! Oh my-Tony!
I threw my hand out in front of me, a shadow shooting out with it, and closed my hand into a fist. The shadow wrapped around spider-boy's ankle, and I yanked him toward me. "Tony dragged a fifteen-year-old into a fight that he has nothing to do with?!" I yelled. "That stupid, idiotic son of a-"
"Chloe, a little help might be nice right about now." Sam's voice cut in, interrupting my thoughts.
"I'll be right there," I responded. I dug around in the spider-kid's mind looking for his name. Then, one name ran through my head.
Peter Parker.
Looking at the boy on the ground I knelt next to him. "I don't know how you got into this superhero business, but trust me, get out. Leave. This is not your fight. It was wrong of Tony to drag you into his mess, and even worse, he's making you fight for something that you have no business messing around with. As someone who's a year younger than you, and who wishes she could, get out before it's too late. Just get out, Peter." With that, I stood up and ran off to help Sam and Bucky.
When I found them, they were stuck to the floor with spiderwebs, probably courtesy of Mr. Parker. "Wow. Taken out by a fifteen-year-old. That's kinda sad." I mocked and they both glared at me.
"If you wouldn't mind helping us," Bucky grunted. "We would appreciate it."
"Why of course." I slightly bowed, before ripping the thing to shreds. "How a hundred-year-old super soldier and a highly trained paratrooper can be demolished by a fifteen-year-old boy with spider-powers, is beyond me, but to each his own."
Sam stood up and smacked the back of my head in annoyance as he shook his head. "Ow," I muttered, rubbing the back of my head.
Bucky looked at me but I couldn't tell if it was an angry look or an amused look. "One day you are going to get smacked." He said following Sam.
"Ungrateful boys," I grunted but ran after them nonetheless.
We sprinted out of the building and regrouped with Steve and the others. "Come on!" He yelled and we made for the Quinjet.
We made it about ten feet before a beam of light tore a line in the ground and we all stopped mid-step. I looked up and saw Vision floating overhead.
He almost looked angry. You know...if androids could get angry. Can they?
"Captain Rogers, I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good, you must surrender now." Vision told us and Tony's team arrived.
"What do we do, Cap?" Sam asked as we all stood looking at each other.
"We fight." He said and started walking forward.
"This is gonna end well." I muttered to myself but started walking. Tony's team copied us and started walking as well. After a second we started jogging and they copied us until we were all full out running.
I ran a little way then stopped. Wanda landed next to me and we both started throwing bursts of energy at the Spiderling. Wanda threw a car at him which he dodged, so I threw a truck at him. I thought it hit him, but I was wrong.
I was thrown back by webs and hit my head against a box. I crumpled to the ground, restrained. My head pounded harshly and all I could see were stars.
"Chloe!" Someone yelled at me but I was to busy trying to get rid of the stars. I looked up and watched Mom and Clint go toe to toe.
And I had to admit, it was pretty interesting watching them fight.
I could tell mom said something to Clint, he said something back, and then she wrapped her legs around his neck pulling him over. She went to kick him as he got up, but Wanda stopped her, throwing her backward into a truck. I flinched hearing her hit the ground.
Clint looked over at Wanda in shock. "You were pulling your punches," she said simply before leaving. He nodded at her and ran off.
I stood up unsteadily, but I could see Bucky and the cat-man fighting. I quickly sprinted and three my arms out, stopping the masked guy from tearing out Bucky's throat. They both looked at me and I flung him into the side of thing.
You know the things that you walk on to get into an airplane? Yeah, it was one of those I think.
"Thanks." Bucky smiled at me in gratitude.
"You're welcome. Saving you two times in ten minutes, that's what heroes do." I winked but he ignored me and started running.
"Come on! That was funny!" I called going after him.
Holá! I'm back! Lots of action, fighting. I was super excited to write Chloe fighting Spider-man. I also really liked writing the banter between her and Bucky.☺️
Who's ready for Loki? I know I'm SUPER excited for it.(it also means that Black Widow is next😁)
I really am trying to spread these chapters out, so bear with me on this, please. Also, this book's at 220,000 reads!🤯😱 So thanks!

The Widows Daughter
FanfictionChloe always knew that her mom was somewhere out there in the world. But being hydras experiment toy, she never actually thought that she would ever meet her. All that changed when the avengers shutdown the hydra facility where she was being kept. N...