Part seven

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(Third person POV)

It had been two weeks since Chloe had started training, she had learned how to control her powers better, her body had started to get used to the strain that her powers caused, although she would have to stop every now and then to rest.

She was starting to get comfortable with being herself around everyone.

With Natasha and Clint and Steve, it was different. They understood her the most. Plus, with them she just felt more safe.

Natasha, Clint, and Steve, had taken her an her first mission four days ago and Chloe was currently getting ready to go on her second mission, this one would be much more dangerous then the last one.

And to be honest, she was a little nervous.

(Tony's POV)

I walked into a room where Steve and Bruce were talking about the current mission.

"-then we can sneak in through the back. It'll be easier now that Chloe's with us. She can phase me and Nat into the server room and then head your way." Steve said looking at the blueprints of the Hydra base we were ambushing tonight.

"So you think she's ready? Chloe I mean?" I asked Cap.

"She's training, she takes everything we put against her head on. Yesterday I saw her and Nat sparing, she was so this close to pining Natasha." Steve said positioning his thumb and pointer finger so that there was very little space between them.

"What do you think Bruce?" I asked.

"I think that we should let her at lest try. We can't see what she's made of if we don't let her do anything. She was pretty upset when you guys got back a few days ago." He said referring to the mission from a few days ago.

Steve put his hands up in a defensive position.

"Alright, that's fair. I did it to see if she could take orders even if she didn't like them." He explained.

"Uh-huh." I said before leaving to go get ready.

(Natasha's POV)

I came out of my room wearing my suit. I looked around the room but didn't see Chloe.

She must still be changing. I thought.

I walked over to Chloe's door and knocked twice.

"Hang on!" Chloe yelled in French.

I heard shuffling, and a yelp, and a thud.

She fell.

"Hi!" She said excitedly. She was putting her wavy hair into a high ponytail.

"Do you want help?" I asked her.

"Yes! I still haven't figured out how to get it right yet." She huffed frustrated.

I laughed a little, and then put her hair up in a perfect ponytail.

"How do you do that?! Thank you!" She said grumpily as she pulled it a little tighter.

"Ready?" I asked.

I looked her up and down. She was wearing a black tank top, faux leather pants, combat boots like the ones I had given her, a dark blue leather jacket, and a pair of rings. One was teal, and the other was a dark red. She was also wearing the necklace that I had given her a few weeks ago.

When she had tried to return it I told her that I wanted her to keep it, so she did. She never took it off. I walked out of her room towards the elevator and she joined me right before the doors opened.

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