"Doctor." I feigned a smiled.
"Well well well. Look who stumbled into my classroom." He sneered.
Seriously? 'Well well well'? That is so old school bad guy dialogue.
"Still working for Hydra I assume. Did they send you here to kidnap me? Cause let me tell you, I've already done the whole 'let's kidnap Chloe' game before. Not a big fan. Although the last person who played this game, did end up in the hospital. Granted, I had something to do with that, but still." I babbled as I walked backwards trying to avoid his grasp as much as possible.
"Still rambling I see. Clearly there were still some bumps with you we didn't smooth out. Not to worry though. That'll be fixed soon enough." He said following me slowly.
"Now see, I'm gonna have to stop you right there; cause I'm afraid I won't be going anywhere with you. Or any Hydra goons you send at me. The guy in Rio? Really? Little cliché don't you think? Although the German was a good touch. He was a lousy shot however. Completely missed me." I kept talking some more.
I tried to reach mom telepathically, but it wasn't working. I tried to use any and all of my powers, but nothing happened.
I must have had been showing my confusion on my face because Zerks smiled. "Right about now you're realizing that you can't use you powers. You're wondering why not. Why do you think?"
No. No! No no no no!
"I'll kill you." I hissed.
"Ooh. Has the kitty's claws not been clipped? Has she run amuck tearing up the furniture?" He taunted with a laugh.
"You placed power dampeners around the building. Smart. That's why I felt like I was suffocating. Although I have to say, not the best plan. While yes, my powers are helpful, they're not what make me a hero." I told him.
Yeah I know that was a little cheesy, but I'm running out of banter.
"Also, quick question: is the school real? Like is it an actual school? Did you get a degree in teaching, get a job working here, and then just wait for me to come? Because that sounds like a lot of work, and knowing you, you're a really lazy person. Or did you build this school? You know? Did you hire all these actors? Or are they Hydra agents? Because I would really like to know." I stalled.
I now had a foot between me and the wall. I had to think quickly. I could yell for help, but on the chance that the whole things a fake, that wouldn't really do much good.
On the other hand, if it was all real, and I did yell for help, I don't know how far mom is. Or if she would even hear me.
My back was now against the wall. "Nowhere to go now petite fille. What to do?" Zerks hummed as he walked closer.
"How 'bout this?" I smiled as I grabbed his shoulders pulling him down and brought my knee up to his crotch. He groaned in pain doubling over and I dived past him.
I ran towards the door but was stopped by a hand grabbing my hair consequently yanking my head back as well. I let out a shriek of pain as he pulled me by my hair.
I twisted around bringing my elbow up and it collided with his jaw making him release his grip on my hair.
Ha! That's what you get for pulling my hair!
I backflipped kicking him in the face. Reaching for the door he grabbed my shirt. I turned and slammed his head into one of the desks next to us. He looked up at me with a dazed look in his eyes. I did a roundhouse kick smacking in right on the cheek. His head hit the desk again, and then he fell to the floor unconscious.
"You're a scientist, Zerks. Not superhero." I said almost feeling bad for him.
Almost. But I didn't. Not after everything I went through because of him.
I blew a piece of hair out of my face and the door busted open behind me. I whipped 'round ready to fight whoever was behind me until I realized it was mom.
I ran over and her hugging her tightly letting out a breath of relief. I could feel her arms wrap around me quickly.
"Are you okay? I went to go look for you and I heard a yell. What happened?" She asked taking my face in her hands looking me over.
I saw her eyes dart from me to the disgraced Dr. Raymond Zerks who was laying on the floor.
"Jonathan! What happened? What did you do to him?" Miss Thorten cried as she rushed to him but I grabbed her by the crook of her arm.
"What do you think you're doing? Let go! He need medical attention!" She said trying to pull her arm out of my grasp, but I just tightened it.
"Who do you think that is?" I asked and she looked at me like I was crazy. "Who do you think that is?" I aid a little louder.
"Jonathan Zerks. He's my friend, and he needs help. Now let go!" She said tearing her arm from my grasp.
"No." I said simply.
"Chloe?" I looked up at mom. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, that that is not Jonathan Zerks. That is Dr. Raymond Zerks. A stupid and foolish man to think that he could A: fool me. And B: take me on even without my powers. After everything, he thought I would forget. After all, he did help murder my friends." I said the last part with as little emotion for my sake.
Or else I might just break down right here.
"What?" They both said at the same time but I was already leaving the room.
"You should call Steve. Have him pick him up." I said pointing to the unconscious form of the man I grew to hate so much.
I walked out of the room, and out of the school. Sitting on the steps I could feel my powers come back in a rush.
Not that kind of rush. But the kind where I felt stronger immediately. I didn't like feeling weak.
"Are you alright?" I heard mom ask as she sat next to me on the steps. I just nodded weakly.
"I'm tired. I wanna go home." I mumbled leaning against her.
"I know. Soon. Steve's gonna come and pick up your 'friend', and then we can go home." She said calmly wrapping her arm around me and I hummed.
Hello world! How's everyone? I had to ride 8 hours in a car on Thursday! Yay me.😒 I also had a sleepover with my cousin and a friend the on Wednesday! That was fun.
How is everyone? What did you think about the chapter? Lots of action! I feel really bad for Chloe right now. Although I feel a lot worse for her a few chapter chapters ahead.😬
Was it just me, or when Chloe was fighting, did it remind anyone or the scene from avengers 1 where Clint and Natasha are fighting and she breaks his mind control? Because I reread it and it reminded me of that.😂
Anyways. That's it for now. See you guys next time. Bye!

The Widows Daughter
FanfictionChloe always knew that her mom was somewhere out there in the world. But being hydras experiment toy, she never actually thought that she would ever meet her. All that changed when the avengers shutdown the hydra facility where she was being kept. N...