Part one-hundred and twenty-one

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Three weeks later.
(Chloe's POV)

"I want it to be in Ohio. That's where she'd want it to be. That was where she considered her childhood home." I said to Clint as I got out of the car. He nodded in understanding. "That way she's home."

"Okay," Clint offered a smile. "We will put it wherever you want."

"I don't have a body, so it'll be an empty grave, but it'll be a grave nonetheless. That's what she deserves." I said fixing my dress.

"I agree," Clint watched me. "You sure you want to do this?"

I sighed and looked at the house. It was a wooden cabin. Simple and beautiful. I was slightly jealous. There were cars all around the gravel driveway. There was a ship, like an alien ship, about a mile back, that I was told belonged to the 'Guardians'. There was a lake beyond the house that was rippling in the soft wind.

"Yes, I'm sure," I said and started walking towards the house. There were people milling about the backyard. I saw Peter standing with an older woman. I smiled at him and he sent me a half-hearted one back.

I couldn't blame him though.

Clint walked over to Laura and kissed her. I followed him and was met with Lila hugging me. I sat my chin on her shoulder and looked at Cooper who came and hugged the two of us. Nate was holding onto Clint. I rubbed Lila's arm as I let go and my way over to Sam.

He was standing next to Wanda and Bucky. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. "Find anything?" He asked as he pulled back.

"No. I don't know what happened to Yelena, or Melina, or Alexi, but I can't find any of them. I tried the number I had–Mom had–for Yelena, but nothing's worked." I shook my head. I really had done everything I could think of to find the three of them, but nothing had worked.

"I'm sorry. I know how much you wanted to find them." Sam smiled apologetically.

"It's okay. I'll leave another message but I don't even know if she has that number anymore. I'm gonna do it next week though. In Ohio. She lived there for a few years when she was younger, and I think it's what she'd want." I explained.

"I'm sure Nat would have loved that," Sam smiled squeezing my arm encouragingly.

"How are you?" I asked Wanda elbowing her gently.

"About as well as you are." The Sokovian sent me a fake smile. I hugged her from the side and let out a soft sigh. After everything with her brother, and now Vision, she wasn't doing extremely well.

I smiled at Bucky as he watched me. "No fancy suit?" I asked trying to lighten the mood.

"I wasn't going to come," He shook his head.

"What changed your mind?"

Bucky nodded in Sam's direction. "I told him no matter what happened between the two of them, it would be worse to not go than to go." Sam sighed.

"You're not wrong," I smiled. It was almost genuine.


I let go of Wanda and wrapped my arms around Bucky. He was extremely tense. "It's a hug, old man, relax." I laughed quietly.

An actual laugh.

"I'm glad you came," I said to him before moving away and looking at the tall boy behind where we stood. I released a breath. "I'll be right back."

"Hey," I smiled as I walked up to Harley.

He did a double-take before realizing who I was. "Hey," He seemed shocked to see me. "Hey,"

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