Part thirty-one

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(Jamie's POV)

I opened my eyes feeling a searing pain in my stomach. I look around and saw Chloe still tied to the chair, but she had fallen over.

I got up to help her but cried out in pain as I tried. I looked down  and saw a piece of metal sticking out of me.


I made my way over to Chloe slowly. When I got to her she started to open her eyes. I could audibly hear her gasp.

"Jamie. You're hurt." I she said as I cut her free.

"Yeah. I noticed. Now-now come on." I said as I finished cutting her free.

I helped Chloe get up and we started to make our way out. "Ahh!" I grabbed my stomach as a shot of pain went through it.

"Jamie!" Chloe grabbed me as I fell to the floor in pain.

"You're gonna bleed out!" She told me and I could see the little girl that I saw for the last time over five years ago.

"I'm...fine." I lied.

I put my head against the cold floor hoping to get rid of the pounding in it.

It didn't work.

"Jamie, I have to get you help. Stay here. I'll be back in a minute. I think I know who blew the wall in." Chloe told me as she got up, but before she got far I grabbed her hand.

"If-if it really is who we...agh...both think it is...then-then they will be here soon." I said through gritted teeth.

I could hear her sigh exasperatedly. "Fine. But I have to get that out." I opened my eyes and saw that she was pointing at the piece of metal sticking out of my abdomen.

"No." I said firmly. "Ab-absolutely not. No way."

"Jamie, if I don't take this out, it could cause more damage." Chloe said as if she was talking to a kindergarten.

"So could taking it ouahh!" I argued but  by the time I finished she had started taking it out.

"There. Now hold still. I usually only do flesh wounds so this is a little out side my area of expertise." I watched as Chloe moved her hands over the wound while black mist started to poor off of her hands and onto me.

"What-what are you...agh...doing?" I asked through the pain.

"Healing you. Or maybe making it worse." Chloe said stopped what she was doing, got up, and then promptly left.

I groaned as I laid my head back on the ground when I heard noises.

"I got him." I opened my eyes and saw a man.

Captain America.

He picked me up and I could see Chloe standing next to a red head. It looked like Chloe was trying to keep her from killing me.

Then everything went dark.


(Chloe's POV)

I stood by the door to his room debating whether or not to go in.

If I went in, then I would have to face him. If I didn't go in, then I would have him looming over my head for forever.

Not to mention that I'll have to see him eventually.

I set my hand on the doorknob when Vision's voice interrupted me. "Miss Chloe. Captain Rogers and your mother have requested to speak with you in the waiting room." I sighed taking my hand off the knob.

Is it bad that I'm happy I don't have to see him right now?

"Right. Thanks Vis."

I'll see him later anyways.


"I'm telling you, I'm fine. He didn't hurt me. I doubt he could have hurt me even if he wanted to. He said so himself." I told them as we sat in the waiting room of the hospital.

We could have just gone to the compound, but the hospital was closer.

"I thought I was gonna lose you." Mom said pulling me into a hug for the twentieth time since I got back.

"Yeah, I know. You've only told me twenty times." I joked.

"Chloe, did you find out how he's even alive?" Cap asked.

I looked at the ground for a minute before saying, "Yeah. But it's a long story. You sure you want to hear it?"

They looked at each other and then back at me and nodded.

Ok then.


I sat in the chair next to his bed watching him sleep. The doctors said that he might not wake up.

Apparently, I actually made his condition worse by trying to make it better.

This is why I do minor injuries! Ugh!

I felt awful.

I looked at my phone as it started to ring. It was Clint. I picked it up and put it to my ear.

"Hey old man." I joked halfheartedly.

"Hey kid. Your mom told me what happened. How'er you doin'?" He asked.

"I'm good. Little beat up. But I'm fine." I lied.

"Are you really gonna lie to me? Do I need to come up there and knock some sense into you?" He laughed.

I smiled to myself. "No. I'm fine. I promise. Just...just a little tired. I'll be fine after a good nights sleep. How's everyone?"

"They're good. They miss you. You should really come for a visit." I laughed a little at him.

"Wish I could, but I have a feeling that even if I wanted to, mom wouldn't let me go anywhere without a full team of bodyguards. But who knows?" I joked watching Jamie stir.

"I'm serious, Chloe. You need something, you come down. Stay for a while. You should know more then anyone, that you are a part of our family." Clint said to me in a loving but serious tone.

I knew that I would always be a part of their family. Always.

"I know. Honest. Listen, I got to go. I have to deal with someone. I'll call later. Tell everyone I say hi. Bye." I said hanging up after seeing Jamie open his eyes.

"Hey." I said leaning forward in the chair.

"Hi. Wha...where-where am I?" He asked confused.

"Safe. You're in the hospital. I'm sorry." I told him.

I have to tell him.

"What do you mean? Why are you sorry?" He grabbed my hand.

"When I tried to heal you, I made it worse. I didn't mean to, it just happened. The doctor said they didn't even know if you would wake up." I said as tears started streaming down my face.

"Hey. Hey, come 'er. I'm fine. See. You did what you thought was best. You were just trying to help." He said pulling me into a hug.

I sniffed as he let go of me. I sat there holding his hand. It didn't matter if he did kidnap me, or if he forgot about me for all those years; what mattered was that he was back.

I had him back.

Hi everyone! I'm back! Happy new year! How'd you like the chapter? Tell me what you think!

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