Part one-hundred and nine

637 14 3

7 months later.
(Chloe's POV)

London was cold. Rainy mostly is what I mean. For April at least. But it was also just plain cold.

I pulled my coat tighter around my body with my free hand, trying to warm up. If there was one place, I wished I could be, it would be Mexico. I'm not wanted there, and it's warmer. Win-win for everyone.

Or at least me at the very least.

I took the stairs two at a time up to the door and opened it. The flat—Mom insists I call it that to "blend in"—that we're staying in isn't the biggest but big enough. Sam and Steve share a room downstairs, while Mom and I are upstairs in a room.

When Wanda is actually there she stays with Mom and me.

"I'm back!" I called, my voice echoing through the house. I placed the bag from the store on the table by the door and locked the door's multiple locks. "Mom?"

"In here!" Sam's voice came from the kitchen. I moved down the small hallway into the brightly lit room, the bag of groceries in my hand. "Where's Mom?" I set the bag on the counter.

"Hi, Sam. How are you, Sam? I'm good Chloe, how are you?" Sam pretended to have a conversation with me and I rolled my eyes. "How are you, Sam?"

"I'm fine Chloe, how was the store?"

"I got those stupid chips you wanted. Also, why are fries called chips, and chips called crisps? Why? What's the point?" I complained as I pulled things out of the bag.

"Stop complaining." Sam laughed.

"I'll stop complaining when I don't have to be on the run anymore."

"Hush. Nat and Steve went to get dinner. They'll be back in a little bit." I nodded as I put a carton of eggs away in the fridge.

"Do you ever think we'll ever be able to go back home?" I asked pausing my movements.


"Do you ever think we won't be on the run again? Do you think we will ever be able to go back? Go home? Go back to normal even?" I clarified. "I miss my bed. My stuff. As stupid as it sounds, I miss everything from Germany."

Sam sighed as he watched me from the small table in the corner of the room. "Chole, normal for you, is being chased by bad guys, being experimented on, and fighting psychopathic robots that are created by two idiot geniuses. Normal for you, is something other people consider crazy."

"You know what I mean." I glared.

"I do, and I agree. This all sucks. But it's better than the alternative."

"True." I sat at the small table with him. "Any news?"

"Nope. Same as last time you asked me this morning." Sam shook his head. "But as soon as there is, you'll know just as soon as I do. What about you? Heard from Wanda yet?"

"No, but she knows she has one more week." I grabbed an apple from the center of the table.

"What does she do in Scotland, anyway?" Sam questioned. He had been trying to get me to tell him what she does every time she leaves ever since the first time we dropped her off.

"She doesn't ask what you do with your free time, so don't ask what she does. And besides, I don't know."

"Yes, you do, you little liar." Sam poked me.

"I'm still not telling, sorry." I crossed my arms sitting back in the chair. Sam groaned but the front door opened. My back straightened at the sudden noise.

Man, being on the run sucks. Have I already said that? It needs to be said again. It SUCKS.

Mom and Steve walked into the kitchen with what smelled like Chinese. My mouth watered at the smell and I smiled. "Hey, you're back." Mom kissed the top of my head before setting a bag on the counter.

"Yep. There are eggs and milk in the fridge." I nodded toward the appliance.

"Thank you, Chloe." Steve smiled as he pulled out the food.

"'Course. Did you get my favorite?" I asked moving to look at the cartons of food.

"What kind of mother would I be if I didn't?" Mom joked and I looked at her.

"A terrible one," I said in a serious tone. "I mean you did give me up."

"Watch it, I can still take this food back little girl." She pointed at me and I smiled.

"Thank you, Mommy." I grinned in a sing-song voice before skipping off to watch tv. "I call the tv!"

"I am not watching that stupid show again!" Sam yelled as he followed me.

"What show?" I asked sitting down on the couch before grabbing the remote.

"The British one. With the box." Sam glared.

"It's called Doctor Who, and it's amazing so sit down and be quiet." I shushed him. "Besides, I sat through the monstrosity you call tv last night. And anyway, it's my turn."

"She is right," Mom gave him a pitying look before sitting next to me.

"I have all of you." Sam rolled his eyes and then sat in a chair.

"Turn the show on or I'm picking," Steve said sitting down on the other side of me.

"It's my turn to pick, you can't." I protested.

"Watch me," Steve told me as he ate some rice.

"Fine, fine. I will turn the stupid show on, gosh." I rolled my eyes and stuffed an egg roll in my mouth while pressing play on the episode I was currently on.

"Well, I like the show." Mom elbowed me.

"Thank you." I looked pointedly at Sam. "Okay, so recap, the Doctor and Rose went back to her time and these ghosts started appearing, but they were actually Cybermen, and the Daleks are also there so they have to figure out how to fight them both. We good? Good. Now everyone shush."

I intended to finish this season but I had this fear something bad was going to happen and I was going to hate the ending. Either way, if anyone interrupted my tv night, I would kill them.

Hey, I did it! Here's another one. I actually lived doing this one because it's just like purely domestic Avengers, which I live for. Also because I'm a geek I had to put Doctor who in.

Hope you liked it, let me know what you guys thought😁

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