Chapter 25

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Morning came and I slowly opened my eyes, I groaned and felt sore for some reason.

"Ugh..what the hell did I do." I sat up and found my whole room looking like a hurricane rushed in and said hi bitch.

"What the.." I scanned the whole place and noticed that I'm naked like a newborn baby.

I immediately widened my eyes when I noticed unfamiliar clothes next to mine. I slowly turned to face my side and saw...Jihyo staring at me with a smile.

She sat up and kissed my cheek, "Good morning, hon." she smiled and hugged me.

"G-good morning?"

"Why are you so shocked? have you forgotten our little session last night?" she giggled.

My face turned a little pinkish.

"Are you...about to leave? eat breakfast first before going." I picked up my clothes and wore them, I handed Jihyo her clothes as well.

"I'll cook and drive you back home. Are you staying at Daniel's?"

I tried so hard not to sound hurt, I just...don't want to expect much.

Jihyo quietly got dressed and made the bed.

"Don't you want me to stay?" she asked.

"I...I want to...I'm just..getting ready, Jihyo."

She walked towards me and gave me a tight hug. "I would never leave you again. No more of that, Y/n."

I bit my lip and hugged her back. "We're not that sure."

After a little talk, we both headed downstairs and ate breakfast. It's been a while since I ate with someone.

I'm glad it's her.

We both shared a few glances and obviously still shy.

My eyes landed on her neck and I choked on my water.

She looked at me as I coughed.

"What? What is it?"

"Y-your neck...we should cover it, I have uhm foundation."

Jihyo was so puzzled but she got it.



"I said no."

"Why not?"

"You just claimed me, I'm all yours." she smirked.

I choked again and drank a lot of water.

Still not sure if this is gonna last long or not before a tragedy happens again.

~ a few hours later~

"We should tell the girls about us, they'll be so happy." she excitingly said.

"Uh no, not yet."

"What? Why not?"

I just smiled and looked at her, "It's a surprise, let's keep it a secret."

She just nodded.

I parked my car in front of their dorm and opened her door for her.

We both went inside and they started to ask a lot.

"I see hickeys!! Definitely not a mosquito bite!" Nayeon unnie said.

"I agree, and based on the disappearance of the both of you, y'all just railed." Jeongyeon unnie added.

"Okay, we were drunk. Don't be so excited, she's married to Daniel."

"Not any more bitch and Jihyo doesn't drink, nice try Y/n." Sana said.

"Lakas maka bitch.." I mouthed.

"What? Don't speak like that! We can't understand you." Sana added.

"I said how come."

"I filed a divorce paper." Jihyo uttered.

"Since when?"

"Before I went with you.."

I blushed and looked away.

"Anyways, I'll be out of town. Any gift requests?"

And with that, the girls wrote everything they want.

Jihyo pulled me to the side while the others were too busy.

"Hey...I just got back to you then you'll leave?" She asked. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry." I pulled her close as I hug her tight, caressing her nape. "You can come with me you know."

I felt Jihyo smiled. She hugged me back and nodded her head. "Gladly."

I giggled and the girls went quiet af so I glanced at them and yes they're staring at us.

I rolled my eyes at them and made a shush sign.

~at the airport~

4:25 AM

"What time is our flight?" Jihyo asked as she hugged me tightly.

"5:30, why?" I asked while I hugged her back. It's quite chilly so I figured she's cold. I took my mittens out of my bag then I let her wear them.

I kissed her hands then her lips.

She blushed and looked away while I just chuckled at how cute she is.

"Still cold?" I pull her close and hug her tight.

She nodded and snuggled her face in my neck, "You're so warm...and you smell good." she said as she sniffs me. It made me shiver for I am a ittle ticklish there.

Flight 717, calling all passengers of flight 717. You may now board the plane at gate 9.

"I guess that's the both of you." Nayeon said as she tapped us.

We took a few pictures before getting in and waved good bye.

It's my first time to travel with her alone.

As we stood in line, I was behind Jihyo so that I can watch her and both our stuff. It's the protective girlfriend in me.

I wait patiently as I suddenly feel something touching the zipper of my pants. I looked down and it was Jihyo.

This naughty girl made me wear the strap before we left the dorm and now I know why.

I cleared my throat and moved my hips backwards and whispered in her ears,

"Baby, stop it. Not now." I can feel her smirk and she just had the audacity to pull me closer and stroke it through my pants.

Not gonna lie. I can feel it even if it's just hard rubber.

I blush at every move she does and I can feel my self getting hotter and hotter with every move she makes.

But that stopped because it was our turn to board.

Once we did, we look for our seats and I let her sit first while I was busy fixing our luggage. We got busines class so we kinda do have some privacy and I'm scared of what could happen.

Knowing this girl for years, I know what she's thinking.

A lot of teasing is about to happen.

I look at her and she had that smirk on her face. I mouthed "What?"

And she replied,


As she bite her finger seductively with a smirk.

I stared at her and thought...

"Oh boy, this is gonna be tough."

-unnieeetot ♡

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