Chapter 19

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For some reason, the two ladies didn't meet up. The latter told her that an emergency occured and needed to be fixed right away, which Jihyo totally understood but of course she felt sad about it.

She stayed in her room, watching random videos on YouTube. Everyone except her, dozed off already. As she was quietly watching, a strange sound coming from her window startled her. She stood up and walked slowly towards it only to get surprised again that a pebble hitted the glass.

She was pissed, she thought it was some stupid prankster who has nothing better to do. She opened the window and was ready to shout at them...but she didn't.

She frozed when she saw who it was.

The latter smiled and waved as she softly mouthed "Sorry". It made her blush and will always make her blush. 

"it's okay.." she responsed.

The latter quickly fished her phone in her pocket and started typing.

Jihyo received a messaged so her assumed Y/n texted her.

"Coffee? My treat"

Again, it made her blush. "Sure."

~After a few minutes~

Y/n waited patiently by her car. 

"Hi." as soon as Jihyo appeared, the latter greeted her with a smile followed by an "Hi."

They smiled and as Jihyo stood in front of the passengers side, Y/n quickly opened it for her. 

"You're sweet tonight." Jihyo giggles.

"No, I'm just nice." The latter chuckles.

As Jihyo slides in, Y/n made sure that she wore her seat belt before hopping in as well.

~On the way to the coffee shop~

It was awkwardly silent during the car ride, as they get closer to their destination, Y/n has been feeling a little anxious that maybe Jihyo feels uncomfortable or what.

She parked her car and stopped the engine, she looks at Jihyo.

"Hey, we're here." she was confused why Jihyo isn't moving nor speaking.

The latter quickly turned the car lights on, she smiled and chuckled to see Jihyo sleeping. She turned the lights off and started the car again, before heading out she placed her jacket over Jihyo since she gets cold easily.

Y/n went out and hurriedly ordered tea for Jihyo since she isn't a coffee person.

~The next day~

Jihyo's POV

I woke up and..wait.

I hurriedly sat up and saw Momo unnie.

"Woah, calm down girl."

"How did I get home? I was with Y/n...where is she?"

"I said calm down, she took you home and she's in he kitchen with the other girls" Momo said.

Jihyo then of course rushed out of bed to meet Y/n.

"I bought cake!!" Y/n shouted excitedly as she makes her way in the kitchen.

Jihyo finds it cute that the person in front of her is having fun with the girls again.

"Good morning, Jihyo" the latter smiled and patted the seat beside her.

"Good morning" the older said as she sat down.

Out of nowhere, Jihyo suddenly held Y/n's hand but under the table, she got used to it every morning and she missed those time.

She then proceeded on leaning her head on the latter's shoulder.

"Do you want some cake?" Y/n asked, which Jihyo just nodded to.

They all started eating while on the other hand, Jihyo didn't knew but she had icing on her nose the whole time. Then of course, the lady beside her noticed it.

Y/n made Jihyo face her then wiped it off using her thumb before licking it.

It made her blush that Y/n did that in front of her while staring at her orbs.


"It's delicious."



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