Chapter 5

838 36 4

March 26

Y/n's POV

I woke up earlier than usual, kind of weird but eh. I stretched out a bit and looked over to my side, the view made me smile widely.

I admired her for a while, and damn she always makes my heart melt. I tucked her strand of her on her ear, "Cutie.." I smiled once again and leaned in to kiss her forehead.

I stood up and tucked her in properly before going downstairs to prepare breakfast. And then a wonderful thought came in mind.





Hey there, Penguu



I chuckled at how cute these dorks are, I can clearly hear them calling me, I can barely understand them. I smiled and thought about how lucky I am.

I went to the kitchen and sat down on a stall before talking,


Okay, calm down
I was kind of thinking if you
girls could spend breakfast
with us.
We missed you, you know.

Breakfast?! WAAHH


I facepalmed myself hearing this Daegi shout that phrase, I sighed and just a few chatting with them, They're already getting ready. So, I should get cooking.

I stood up and checked what the fridge and drawers has to offer. "Pancakes? with Bacon and Eggs? or Wa--" I got cutted off.

"Waffles? Yeah, sounds good to me." I heard her chuckle, which made me laugh a little. "Good morning, so, Waffles it is."

She nodded cutely, signifying agreement. I proceeded to do my business, It's cute that Jihyo's learning from me and I'm learning from her.

~ a few waffles later ~

"I heard you taking on the phone earlier, mind sharing who that was?" She said while plopping a strawberry in her mouth.

I smiled and sat beside her, "You'll see." I kissed her cheek and stood up again because I forgot to take out 9 plates.

"Yah, tell me or else.." She said while giving me a death stare, I gulped and scratched my not so itchy neck.

"I invited the girls over to have some breakfast and I decided to invite Seulgi as well." I smiled and continued my business, Jihyo kept quiet after saying "Ah.."

Weird... Isn't she excited to see the girls again?

~ a few minutes later ~

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