Chapter 7

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March 27
- The Party pt. 2 -

Y/n's POV

It is currently 7:00 pm, It's kind of getting dark. Jihyo and the others haven't arrived yet, they must have gotten crazy with the food-- oh right, Momo is with them. Gosh.

I was by the pool, checking things out if everything is all set and everything is fine until someone covered my eyes.

I gasped and obviously tried to guess who it could be, and I was hoping that it would be my lover.

I turned around and it was--

"OPPAAAAA" I hugged him tight and so did he. We both missed each other like a lot, so, for a few minutes, we talked for a while. Did some catching up.

"When's the big day?" He asked, I kept quiet and shrugged, looking down at my feet. "Haven't you talked about it?" He asked again.

This time I sighed before looking up at him and smiled. "Kind of busy with work.." I replied, my mood right now is really bad. Just..a sudden change.

"I'm sure you'll be able to plan soon" He said then gave me a big hug.

I hugged him back and he told me that he should help the girls inside so he did went inside and I stayed out.

I took a deep breath, zoning out a bit with my hands inside my pockets. When will it happen?

I kept on thinking about it and nothing comes to mind.

"What are you thinking about?" I looked to my side and saw Seulgi walking towards me.

I didn't say anything and continued to stare at nowhere.

"Giving me the cold shoulder huh?" She said, poking my sides. "Hey, don't do that" I scoffed.

"Wae?" She kept doing it, "We might fall in the pool, Seulgi. Stop that" and with my prediction, it did happen.

"Yah!" I glared at her for making me fall in the pool, she kept on laughing and I was there, glaring at her trying to get up.

"Here let me help you" She offered me her hand and I held it tight, "Thank you for giving me an opportunity to pull you in" I said and pulled her in the pool with me.

I laughed at her and got out of the pool first and she followed. "I told you I don't have clothes, uurrghh" She groaned.

"And I told you that I'm going to let you borrow some."

As I squeezed out all of the water in my clothes, Mina and the others went out with their swimsuits on. "Can we all join the fun?" My brother asks.

"Go ahead" They started to run towards the pool and I got dragged back into it. Damn it.

I, of course, pulled Seulgi with me. Everyone gets in the pool, no buts.

We had fun, all of us did. I could get used to this, seeing them bond and smile again. Argh, I'm so lucky to have a family like this one.

I sat down on the stairs of the pool and just admired them having fun. As I was busy, I felt someone hug me. I looked back and saw Jihyo.

I smiled and gave her a kiss, "You got wet, sorry about that." I apologize but she even sat down beside me on the stairs. "I don't care" She smiled and held my hand.

Long story short, we flirted with each other as if we only started dating. Not too long, the others joined us. They even brought the drinks with them, "Time to get wasted!" I exclaimed and I earned a pinch from Jihyo.

"Don't drink too much" She glared and pouted cutely. "Pft, Fine" I stood up and grabbed us a drink. I gave her red wine and I stick with beer, or even vodka.

~ a few drinks later ~

Jihyo's POV

She's officially drunk. Damn this woman never listens. "Okay, Y/n. Stand up" I nudged her a little, she's currently leaning on a very drunk Chaeyoung and Mina is scolding her.

I sighed as a sign of defeat, I asked Joohyuk oppa to help me get Y/n inside. He wasn't drunk do that's good, he proceeded to carry her into the living room.

I stayed outside to clean up some mess, Nayeon and Jeongyeon unnie stayed as well to help me. I told them that I'll buy some food for tomorrow since some of the girls will definitely have hangovers.

And so I went inside, I checked up on Y/n and I saw her going upstairs. Good thing she knows how to manage even if she's wasted. I don't know why but I didn't bother to help her since oppa is here, so I went out.

Y/n's POV

"Do you need to shower?" I asked Seulgi as I open the door to Jihyo and I's bedroom, "Am I allowed to?" she asked, I stayed quiet for a while, thinking of what clothing of mine should I let her borrow.

"How about this one?" Seulgi suddenly popped up infront of Jihyo and I's walk-in closet, showing me a hoodie.

Wait shit-- not that one.

"Seulgi w-wait--" I was too late as she already entered the restroom.

After a few minutes, she went out wearing the hoodie she got.

"Lovie? Are you sleeping alrea--" Jihyo came inside the room with a glass of water on her hand but she stopped as she saw Seulgi.

She looked at me and sighed before walking out of the room.

I stood frozen, having a hard time to process things and what I should do about this. "You okay?" Seulgi asked, caressing my cheeks and I didn't want to be rude but I pushed her a little.

I told her to sleep at the guest room beside Jihyo and I's bedroom. I tried hard to think of an explanation while going down the stairs.

I fucked up real good.

When I got down, I saw the girls resting at the living room. Some of them were at the sofa and some of them at the floor. I woke them up and told them to stay at the guest rooms.

After that, I didn't see Jihyo.

I decided to call her but when I dialed her number, I heard something ringing. Then I saw her phone at the coffee table.


Where could you be at a time like this?



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