Chapter 16

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As the girls got hyped up because of Y/n's arrival, they didn't notice that someone tried to reach them.

It took Jeongyeon a few minutes to finally answer her phone.

"Guys, Jihyo's calling." the room went silent.

Jeongyeon, placing her phone on the coffee table, putting it on loud speaker. They listened well.

"U-unnie.." They knew she was crying and that something isn't right.

"Jihyo, are you okay? what happened?" Jeongyeon asked, waiting for the girl to reply.

"Something..urgent happened. I-I don't know if I can come.." She kept on crying.

"What happened? and where are you? we'll go to you." The older said, making the others prepare.

"Kangie...I-I don't know how it happened...but he got into a car accident." With that said, all 9 of them in the room..stood frozen. Trying hard to process what Jihyo said.

"H-He what?" Nayeon, this time, spoke.

"N-Nayeon unnie? can you just please..hurry up? I'll tell you everything, we're here at the hospital near our house."

"Okay, stay put. Just try to atleast calm down." The call ended after that.

The girls started to clean up a bit and prepare for their unplanned visit at the hospital.

As for Y/n, she doesn't know what to do or what to say to her ex. She thought about going home but that would be just rude.

"Unnie, stop spacing out. Let's go comfort your, girl." Mina persuaded her, it surprisingly worked. Who can say no to a penguin like Mina?


On the way to the hospital, Y/n couldn't be more nervous than ever. She worries too much. As for Jihyo, she doesn't even know her ex lover is coming.

When they finally reached their destination, they all ran inside and looked for a specific person.

They found her sitting at a bench, shedding some tears.

NaJeong sat on either side of the said girl and comforted her, Nayeon hugged her while Jeongyeon held her hand and wiped her tears.

The others just circled around them and listened to Jihyo's story.

Y/n, however, stood inches away from them. Not knowing that she was missed and needed badly by someone.

Her comfort is everything that she could ask for.

An hour passed, Y/n kept her distance and stayed silent as if she doesn't exist.

Suddenly, A woman was approaching. The innocent girl thought she would go straight to Jihyo but no, she had the audacity to stop and slap Y/n.

"What are you doing here?! Didn't I say to stay away from her?!" The woman turned red, indicating that she was really mad.

At this point, Y/n stayed quiet and kept her temper. She looked up at the woman and to her surprise, it was Jihyo's mother.

She felt so ashamed getting slapped, she shared a quick glance at the girls, who, are now worried and confused as to why Mrs. Park acted like that.

The latter ran out of the hospital, making her ex lover, stand on her feet and ran after her.

"Y/n, wait!" Jihyo said, making the said girl halt.

"I didn't mean to cause you trouble, I'm sorry about that." Y/n didn't turned around, she didn't want to see her.

"Turn around, face me."

"No, I don't want to."


Silence took over for a while.

"Because I'm afraid that if I look back, I might not be able to see you anymore." With that said, tears started to fall.


"It's okay..please go back inside." She didn't even wait for her reply, she just started to walk while shedding her tears.

After a bit of walking, she called Ryujin to pick her up. She didn't bother to pick her things up back at their house.

"You okay?" Ryujin soothingly said.

"Before I left, you said you wanted to talk. What is it about?" That was smooth of her to avoid the question.

"Right..Maybe tomorrow. You should rest for tonight." While driving, Ryujin reached out for her girlfriends hand and gave it a kiss.

"I love you, you know that right?"

"I love you too." Y/n looked at her and smiled painfully.

Just smile thru the pain.


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