Chapter 11

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Third Person POV

Daniel chuckles at Y/n's reaction and tapped her shoulder. "Surprised?" he once again chuckled.

"Not..really. I mean, you and Jihyo look good together so..." Y/n said, not even looking away from the girl in front of her.

Ryujin noticed the situation of the two so she cleared her throat and got their attention. "Can we just discuss this at lunch? The weather is cooking us up at the moment." All three agreed and the tention between the two ex-lovers slowly intensifies.

They all went inside and Ryujin couldn't believe it that Daniel's bride is the one and only Jihyo. She can't stop feeling jealous when she figured it out earlier.

The couples hopped inside at the back seats while Y/n is driving so Ryujin sat at the passengers seat.

At this point, no one dared to talk to each other, except the couples who were flirting, making Y/n feel like she's about to break down.

Y/n sighed heavily as she keeps her eyes on the road, Ryujin on the other hand, comforted her by holding her left hand.

Y/n was startled but gave Ryujin a little smile and mouthed "I'm fine." making the latter roll her eyes because it's obviously not.

Meanwhile, Jihyo had a glimpse of the skin ship the two girls had, she ignored it and focused on talking with her future husband.

But many thoughts swarmed her mind, like how she thought that a year would be enough for Y/n to forget her and move on. She had no idea that Y/n was thinking the same thing.

After a few minutes, they arrived at the restaurant, owned by Daniel's family. It's a private one so they can freely talk about the details of their photoshoot.

"I had an idea, I just thought of this while we were on the way." Ryujin proposed and the other three was all ears.

She faced her partner and said, "Let's talk with the couples separately."

At this point Y/n was hella confused. "What do you mean separately?"

Ryujin sighed. "I talk to Mr. Kang and you talk with Mrs. Kang."

"About what?"

"Well I just thought that maybe we can understand them more if we talk with them personally. Then we'll just brainstorm on how to arrange things when we get home." Ryujin said as she take a sip of her drink.

Y/n did the same and leaned back on her chair, "Okay then. We should also take individual photos of them, so that it won't bore the whole talking bit." the latter agreed and Daniel as well.

"Is it okay with you, Ji-- Mrs. Kang?" Y/n professionally asked the girl.

Jihyo wanted to cry already at this point, but she didn't. "Yeah, sounds good." she smiled and a nod from Y/n was all she got.

~ 1: 30 PM ~

Ryujin and Y/n waited for the couple outside the restaurant because they needed their privacy.

And Ryujin can't stop clinging onto her partner because they have to part for 5 hours straight.

Y/n's POV

"Girl you need to chill your hormones." I chuckled at how tight Ryujin is hugging me, she looks like a monkey oh my gosh.

"I'm gonna miss you so shut up and just hug your bestfriend back!" the girl ranted out.

I pretty much don't have a choice and I can't ignore this cutie. I hugged her back and squeezed her soft cheeks.

"Can I have a kiss?" Ryujin randomly asked, I mean I always kiss her but secretly or unexpected, well I kiss almost everyone who's my friend so...

"Uhm no, others might think that we're dating, maybe later if I'm in the mood." I patted her head and she just pouted and nodded her head.

"Woah, you love birds should tone it down a bit. You two are so cute. Right, Jihyo?" Daniel smiled at us before looking at Jihyo and she doesn't look so happy.

"Yeah, they are." she tried to say that in a nice and not so sad way but it sounded cold af.

"Well, Ms. Shin, let's go?" Daniel asked and Ryujin stood up properly before pinching my cheeks. I'm gonna kill her later.

I glared at her while the both of them walk away, leaving me and Jihyo alone.

We wasted a few minutes before I break the awkward silence.

"Any places in mind, Mrs. Kang?" I asked and she looked at me.

She stared at me for a second before speaking. "Jihyo."

I cocked an eyebrow up as a sign of confusion. "I beg you're pardon?"

"Just call me Jihyo, no need to call me Mrs. Kang. We're not married yet." she smiled.

The tone of her voice changed, it sounded sweet as usual.

"Okay then, Jihyo. Is the place far or near?" I asked once again before gesturing her to enter the car.

"Not that far. It's located near our old apartment." she boldly said, she was shocked and I told her that it's fine.

Talking about the past is..not a big deal for me, atleast she still knows that.

"Let me guess, the park?" I looked at her and she slowly nodded, a small smile formed on her lips which made me smile as well.

"Seatbelts please." I said before starting the car and started to drive to the said location.

The journey to the park was really awkward. I couldn't think of any topic, I don't really want to talk about what happened to her when I disappeared.

"Ryujin seems..nice. I like her attitude, you made the right choice on not dating Seulgi." Jihyo chuckled before mentioning the girl she most hated.

"Oh, Shin and I aren't dating." I grinned but I do admit, Ryujin is really getting into me. Like a lot.

"Oh, Sorry about that." Jihyo blushed and she's still cute as always.

I parked the car and both of us started to stroll around the place.

Most of the pictures I took of her were stolen shots. She's so beautiful, so photogenic as well.

Well that's one promise out of...who knows how many promises I made and has zero chances of happening.



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