Chapter 6

784 31 9

March 27
- The Party pt.1 -

Y/n's POV

"Y/n!!!" she said and hugged me tight, I stood frozen and couldn't form any words. "S-Seulgi.." I said and hugged her back.

I'm so happy that we're in good terms again, gosh she's still small. As we were busy hugging each other, I heard someone cleared their throat. I looked at my left side and saw her glaring at me, I stepped back a bit and cleared my throat as well.

"Well uhm, Seulgi will come with us then." I said and the girls agreed, "Who's she, unnie?" Chaeyoung asked and all of them agreed.

"Err, She's my friend back in high school." I explained and Seulgi greeted them, She's still shy af.

"We should get going" Jihyo said while walking towards me and giving me a kiss, a long kiss...

I was shy and shocked because well uhm my friend is beside me and..fuck oke.

"Bye, honey" She winked at me then smiled at Seulgi, and now Seulgi is confused.

"Err, bye..t-take care" I eyed them get it in the car and told my group what we should buy and gave them the freedom to give out suggestions. And so, we're off!

I went to drivers side and started the car, "Seulgi unnie, you can sit at the front" Tzuyu said and Seulgi did sit in the front.

"Seat belts on, please" I ordered and putted on mine as well, We headed over to the first store which is not so far from our house. We got off and started to recall the things we're supposed to buy.

We separated ourselves into two groups, since it's faster that way. "Chaeyoung, Tzuyu and Dahyun, you can go ahead now. I'll go with the unnies" Mina said and the younger groups whined.

"Why are you always with unnie!! share her with us next time please!" Dahyun said and started to wander off.

I chuckled and teased Mina, "Err, We should start to find these items." Seulgi said which I completely forgot that she's there.

"Yeah let's go" I started to walk around trying to find them in the aisles. Mina and Seulgi, weirdly, like in the same time, rested their hands in my arms. I shrugged it off but little did I know was they were glaring at each other.

"Y/n, are you free next week?" Seulgi randomly asked in the middle of Mina and I debating. "Hmm, I don't know yet. Why?" I asked and Mina suddenly said she needs to make a phone call so I was stuck with Seulgi for a while.

"Kind of wondering if we could go out and y'know bond hehe, my treat!" She proposed. "I'll think about it."

~ meanwhile ~

Mina's POV

So far, she's not
being touchy.

Good, Make sure
she knows her place.

Will do, unnie.
But, She's kind of
nice tho. I mean,
She's quiet and ehh
shy and all.

I know she's just a friend,
but please just...
I'm scared, Mina.

Don't worry, I know unnie
is aware that you'll feel like this.

Bye, Mina.
Let's talk later.

~ call ended ~

After the call, I texted Joohyuk oppa, askin him if he could come to the party and he said he can come. I went back to unnie and saw them just talking casually, and unnie is being a little close with her. Like, pinching Seulgi unnies cheeks. I guess that's a habit of hers, she always pinches our cheeks.

"Unnie, let's pay for these. The other girls are already paying." I stated and the three of us continued at the cash register.

After paying for them, We went back home earlier than we're supposed to. I guess it's good since we're going to decorate stuff.

The journey back home was silent and so awkward, I just stayed quiet and waited for us to get home.

When unnie parked the car, Chaeyoung and the other three girls carried some of the things inside. I stayed with unnie.

"I invited Joohyuk oppa to come, We need help with decorating." I confessed and Unnie was surprised.

"Isn't he busy or something?" She excitedly said, I bet she misses oppa so much. "His schedules are cleared today" Unnie smiled and she is way too excited for this.

"Okay calm down, you might break something" I chuckled and helped with carrying the decorations back inside.

When we went inside, They were already starting and believe me, this party is gonna be awsome.

"Oh and We should have a pool party, You guys brought some clothes right?" Unnie asked.

"We can call Pinky oppa for a favor" Dahyun said and Chaeyoung already called oppa.

"Okie, Seulgi? You have some clothes with you?" Unnie asked and Seulgi shaked her a no. "I'll let you borrow my clothes"

Unnie is so nice, but she'll taste the wrath of Jihyo unnie later. Good luck, unnie.



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