Chapter 3

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Jihyo's POV

"I love you so much as well, is everything okay?" I was very confused and concerned about her, she isn't like this anymore. She's more cheery and always calm but now? I don't even know.

I tried to calm her down by rubbing her back gently, hugging her tight and kissing her forehead every now and then. This is breaking my heart, seeing the love of my life getting upset by such things.

"Mind telling me who called and what happened, lovie?" I suitingly asked. It took her a while to respond, she gulped and looked at me.

"It was her again, she still haven't learned to love the woman I love. Your dad..he somehow grew anger at me all of a sudden, which was weird because you knew we had dinner with your family last week. I just..don't..get it.." She cried, hiding her face in her hands miserably.

Why on earth would dad hate her? We're legal now and I just..what the hell. "I'll talk to him when we get home, okay?" I bent down to her face, lifting her chin up to see me.

I smiled and tears started to pool up, she did too and gave me a kiss before hugging me. "We'll fix this. We can fix this.." I stated before indulging my face into her shoulder.

After a few minutes of comfort, we decided to head back in the car to continue our date. I'm still puzzled by that sudden change of dad's behavior. hmm.

Y/n's POV

We finally arrived an hour later, I took her somewhere special. I took her to where I asked her to join me in life.

"Lovie?? Is this-- Oh my gosh!" She quickly went out of the car, excitement filled her and I can tell she was touched. I shortly followed her and stood beside her who was in awe.

She hugged me tight and showered me with her kisses as a sign of thanks, I chuckled and told her to feel free to explore the beach while I ask help for our luggage.

~ after a few minutes ~

I unpacked some of our clothes since, well, I told her that we were going to stay there for a month. She was confused, I can tell, but she don't bother asking why, I'm still in between the words "Should I or Should I not tell her" If I do tell her, she'll cry for sure. Earlier when she saw me breaking down, she couldn't take it, maybe I should tell her on the 31st, the last day of the month.

I sat down on the bed and burried my face in my hands, "Gosh what I am I gonna do now, Jihyo?" I sighed. While I was thinking of solutions, my phone rang..again.

I checked who it was,

UNKNOWN 00000000000


Damn, another unknown number.

UNKNOWN 00000000000


Err, hello?

Hello, bi! hihi

What the actual hell?

Uhm, excuse me?

Why'd you call?! *giggling*

You're the one who called me, stop the games. Who are you?

Aww, you don't remember me anymore?

I wouldn't ask if I remember you.

Pft fine! It's meee, Seulgi!!

Seulgi?, AHHH! Okay now I remember, what is it? Why did you call?

Nothing really, just calling you for fun.

Missed me, perhaps?

Yeah I guess you can say that.
Wanna meet up?

I'm out of town with my girlfriend, my Fiancée rather.

When I sad "fiancée", it took her a while to respond, a good awkward silence dominated our phone call.

Oh, congrats! welp, enjoy I guess. I'll call you again soon! Maybe text you too, so, bye! Love yah!

~ call ended ~

Did she just said "Love yah"? Weird.

You changed unknown number to

I gotta go and check on Jihyo, I nearly forgot. As I stood up, the thought of Seulgi still remembers just makes me feel so happy. I smiled, even chuckled before turning around only to see an angry girlfriend.

"J-Jihyo! H-How long were you standing there?" I panicked. She was clearly mad becase Seulgi was the only girl who can make her feel so jealous and insecure.

"Seulgi called? How was it? Hope you had fun." She coldly stated before taking a seat on our bed.

"Uhm...Well yeah she call--" She cutted me off. "What did you two talk about?" She asked, her eyes were piercing through my soul. I couldn't do anything but to just gulp. Before I even answer, she pulled me down, making me lay down beside her. I was clearly shocked.

She hovered on top of me, still staring at me as if I'm her prey. I gulped once I saw her lick her lips seductively and smirking evily. "L-Lovie?" I called her but she just shushed me with her index finger.

She began to kiss my jawline down to my neck, leaving dark hickeys. I tried to keep in my moans but it was just too good.

After a few minues of what she just did, she pulled away, got off me, smirked and said..

"When you and Seulgi decided to meet up and fool around, make sure you show her your neck so that she can know that you are rightfully mine."

She uttered, giving me a wink before leaving me in bed.

I sigjed and calmed myself down.

Oh gosh, Jihyo.



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