Chapter 8

720 35 24

AN: huge time skips ahead :))


March 28

Y/n's POV

I woke up when I felt someone nudging me, I still have a hangover, a bad one as well. I rubbed my eyes before sitting up and looked at who it was.

"Jihyo is missing.." It was Nayeon unnie, I immediately got up and forgot that I was supposed to look for her last night. I guess I was too drunk to even manage.

I fixed myself up and the word "Fuck" was the only word that kept in repeating in my head. I almost tripped on everything while I was getting my stuff.

I ran downstairs and the girls were telling me to eat first and that we should look for Jihyo together. "I don't have time, My Fiancée is alone outside and I don't even know if she ate anything." I explained as I put on my shoes and ran outside. The first thing that I noticed is that were was a random black van parked in front of our house.


I don't know where to start but I have a feeling she won't go that far, I started with the obvious places. Like cafés or convince stores.

She wasn't there but I didn't lose hope. I contacted oppa and told him what happened, he said he'll visit the dorm and the other places he knows.

When I checked around our neighborhood, I'm positive she's not near our house. She would want some time alone.

Where could you be if you want some time alone?

I sighed and decided to stop at a convenience store to eat. I still have a hangover y'know, I might pass out.

I sat down by the window and started to eat. As I was eating, I noticed a park in front of this store. Maybe she's there.

I bought some food for her, just in case. I went out and walked towards the park.

It's indeed peaceful, I saw a lot of couples having a date. I smiled to myself, I remembered our first date.

But that smile faded after, we don't go out that often anymore since we both have jobs now. I sighed and just continued to walk.

Oh, Jihyo. I know I made you jealous, I should have not invited Seulgi over. I'm sorry.

I sat down at a bench and burried my face in my hands...

This is so annoying. I'm annoying and arrogant. Urrghhh,

I don't know what to do anymore honestly, I wish I could just turn back the time where I didn't have to meet Seulgi.

I was getting lost in my thoughts, my eyes started to wander off, observing every inch of this park until I saw a familiar figure. Definitely a girl.

Could it be? I stood up and runned towards her, when I got close enough, I tried calling her.

"Jihyo!!" I kept on chanting her name until I get close but my vision started to get blurry. I felt something hit my back, I tried to pull it out but I just can't, I was too weak.

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