Chapter 29

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"Ah yes, you thought you're smart enough?" He chuckled and took a seat. His mischievous smile were plastered on his face, I never thought of seeing him again. His father signaled his body guard, he placed down a briefcase on top of the coffee table and opened it.

Containing it were thousands of money, millions rather. I sensed what's happening and I am not giving up what is truly mine.

"Mr. Kang, I don't need your money. If your daughter finds out about this, she won't go back to neither two of you." I scoffed with full confidence and they both smirked.

"You know, Y/n. I like how tough you act, yet it's just an act. You're no one but a weakling who thinks she's powerful enough to pull a girl." Daniel said whilst asking my maid for a glass of wine.

"You have no rights to order my people. You're in my household and you should respect that. If you can't even respect me, how does Jihyo expects you to respect her as your wife?" I chuckled and took a seat in front of them.

While we were busy bickering about our rights, his father on the other hand was calm. Almost like he has an evil plan up his dirty sleeves, which he does.

"Honey?" I looked back and saw Jihyo, she's shocked to see the two man in our house. "How did you.." she asked trembling with fear.

"Oh honey, I have my own ways." Daniel smirked as he stood up, ready to approach Jihyo but I stood in front of her first.

"Move away. I'm taking my wife home." Daniel hissed and I didn't budge. I saw his eyes grew anger and I was scared to what's about to happen.

"Daniel please, leave me alone.." Jihyo pleaded as she grips on my arm and I took the chance to hold her hand tight as I caress it with my thumb.

"Can't you understand her? She doesn't want you." I said and Daniel begun to laugh. "You must be kidding me." he said.

Unexpectedly, someone knocked and came in to join the "party". "You see Y/n. Jihyo might choose you.." he smirked.

The man who just came, walked towards us and my eyes grew big to whom I saw.

"But her father, will always choose me." I gulped and I can feel Jihyo freeze behind me. "Get over here, Jihyo. You're coming home with Daniel." her father said.

And I know Jihyo wouldn't go with them, She'll choose me. I know she would.

I turned around and tears started to form on the edge of my eyes. I held her hands tight and smiled. "You'll stay right?" she started bawling her eyes out as we both stare at each other.

"Jihyo, tell me you're staying with me." I have high hopes for her. I know she would choose me.

"Answer me, Jihyo. Please? You'll choose me right?" I pleaded.

"Oh please Y/n, stop with the begging. She doesn't have a choice. It's not her job to decide." Daniel scoffed.

And after a few more begging, Jihyo finally made the decision.


I waited for her to answer, I gave her a smile and waited.


My world just shattered. I can hear Daniel celebrating with his father at the back while I hold in my tears. Jihyo was trying to explain and I just shaked my head.

"It's okay, I respect that. So uhm, Let me help you with your bags hm?" I smiled bitterly and Jihyo hugged me tightly. I couldn't resist her, I hugged back tighter.

I took the time to whisper, "I love you, always." and pulled away. I made my way to our bedroom and sat down on our bed.

Never in my life have I experience such pain. Your soon to be wife chose someone else over what? I gripped on my hair and laid down.

I'm exhausted with my life. I don't think I can live with this any longer.

I heard the door open and I know it's her.

She sat down beside me and hugged me tight.

"I asked dad if I could..atleast stay for a few weeks." she said.

Knowing what happened earlier, I didn't have high hopes anymore. I kept quiet and just enjoyed her presence next to me.

"I'm doing this for a reason, lovie." Hearing that fueled me.

"Then what reason is that??" I yelled, wanting to hurt myself more but Jihyo predicted that. She laid down on top of me and hugged me tight. Giving me soft kisses on my cheeks and neck.

"Honey, listen to me okay? I'm trying to fix this for us." I kept crying and she kept comforting me.

"Honey, look at me." she said as she caress my cheeks. "Breathe with me okay?" she inhales and I tried to do the same.

"Very good, keep breathing like that." She instructed and breathed with me.

At some point, I managed to calm down and I gave in. I hugged her tight and little did I know.

We both fell asleep.

I just hope that when I wake up..she's still here beside me.

I would die just to have her.


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