Chapter 2

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Jihyo's POV

"Where are you taking me this time, Ms. Nam?" I curiously asked leaning back on our car. She smiled and winked at me. "It's a surprise, soon to be Mrs. Nam. Be patient and get inside." She excitedly said and went inside the drivers seat. 

I chuckled and rolled my eyes before entering the passengers seat. She really knows how to surprise me with dates. Argh! I'm so lucky to have you Y/n.

I was checking my phone for messages and there were a few, so I replied to each one of them. As I was busy on my phone I saw her hand reaching for my seatbelt and she put it on for me. She's been doing that to me for the past few days. How sweet of her.

"Thank you" I smiled and pecked her cheek, "Stop using your phone for a while~" She whined, she be acting cute like that and here I am wanting to pinch her cheeks. So, I did pinch 'em!

"YAH! IT HURTS!" She e xclaimed and I just laughed at how cute her red cheeks are! She glared at me. 

"You'll see what I do to you later when we get home" Her glare became scary, like legit scary. If she gets scared of me when I get mad, I'm even more scared when she gets mad. I gulped and looked at the front.

She started the car engine and opened the garage door by pressing a little switch above her, we drove to..wherever she's taking me to. I decided to take a nap because she told me that it's a 2 hour drive.

I reclined my seat and closed my eyes, drifting asleep.

Y/n's POV

~ an hour later ~

Stop oveerr, I need to stretch for a while so I pulled over at the side of the road and damn, the view is really something. I didn't even think twice about not talking a few pictures. While I was busy admiring the beauty of it, I felt someone hugging me from the back, "You're so unfair, why didn't you wake me up?" She cutely said and I smiled. "I didn't want to wake up sleeping beauty." I said and suddenly my phone rang. Really? At the middle of our date? Gosh.

"Hmm here, take some pictures if you want. I'll just answer this." I said to her, giving her my camera. I went near our car and leaned back on it before checking who's calling me.

UNKNOWN 00000000000

ACCEPT  📞     ||       DECLINE  📞


UNKNOWN 00000000000

ACCEPT  📞     ||      DECLINE  📞


Y/n..Don't marry her please.

My blood immediately boiled when I heard her name.

Look, if you can't even love her, how am I supposed to love you? Please just..just leave us alone. I'm already managing the company what else do you want me to d--

I want you to leave her! I don't like her and I never will! Her father contacted me and he also doesn't like the fact that you're the one who will marry her daughter.

Why do you hate her so much? Did she do something to you?

I sadly asked, taking in deep breathes for me to not shed tears. The atmosphere became quiet, it took her a few minutes to reply.

I-I just hate her! Break up with her! She's meeting her husband in a few months, her father gave you a little time to spend your remaining days with your soon to be ex.

~ call ended ~

And with that, She hunged up. She sounded like she was crying and I bet it's because of the fact that I don't want to leave Jihyo. For three fucking years, she still hated Jihyo. And now Mr. Park hates me for some reason, I can't think of a reason why and how that happened but shit. After that call I just stood there, staring at my Fiancée, wiping my tears as I slowly walked towards her, giving her a tight back hug.

She jumped a little, she got surprised. "Who was it?" she asked.

"It was..It was nothing. Wrong number." I sounded really broken. She turned around, cupped my cheeks and stared at me directly at my eyes. "What happened?" She  suitingly asked. I hugged her and uttered..

"I love you so much."



Unconditionally Yours //Jihyo x Reader//Where stories live. Discover now