Chapter 17

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Nam Y/n
last seen a few days ago.

Where are you?
I hope you're doing fine.
11:05 pm

The girls missed you.
I missed you|
I miss|
Well uhm..
You can always come back home
Let's talk.
Just us.
12:20 am

Y/n's POV

Why would she want to talk? Should I go?

I was busy staring at phone, carefully thinking if I should go or not. I didn't realize that Ryujin was staring at me as well.

"Who are you talking to?" She said as she sat down beside me, I exited on the app and turned my phone off.

"No one, it's just a wrong number." I gave her a smile and hugged her tight.

"If you're interested in someone else, I won't think twice to kick you out." She scoffed as she hugs me back.

I have her now, It wouldn't hurt if I move on already.

We were cuddling peacefully when Ryujin suddenly spoke.

"We need to talk about something." I got scared when she said that so I sitted up and looked at her.

"You're not leaving me, right?" She chuckled and pinched my cheeks.

"No silly, it's something you need to know."

~ flashback ~

Ryujin's POV

"When you get her, dispose her." She sounded so angry, What did Y/n ever do to this woman?

I nodded and proceeded to the van where they dropped me off of where the abduction will be taken.

I was so nervous, I didn't know if this is right or not but I still agreed.

"She's in." The man spoke thru the wireless earphones I was wearing.

I sighed and turned it off.

When I saw her, guilt took over me and when I saw her lover at the other side of this dim lit park, I knew I had to save her.

Without wasting any time, I hurriedly took Y/n and a mysterious car arrived. I got shocked but when the windows rolled down, it was the girls.

I pulled Y/n's unconscious body towards the car.

"Yah! Is she dead?!" Lia asked as she took Y/n in.

"No, tranquilized." I was shaking so bad and got in the car.

"How's Jihyo?" She asked.

"She's fine, ma'am." She smiled and started to drive swiftly.

"Take care of her, act like you were the one who abducted her. Never let her go outside without you, Ryujin-ah. And when the time is right, tell her the truth." The woman ordered.

"Noted but who are you? and how did you know about this? and how did you know these girls?" I politely asked and waited.

"Let's just say that I had a deal with your boss but I didn't agree on it because Y/ still my daughter." All of us were shocked.

"Now, if you ever do fall in love with her. Treat her well like how Jihyo did. She'll be marrying someone else after this mess is done. Just...make her happy for me."

"But Jihyo will be hurt." Yeji unnie spoke and she was right.

"That's love. Wether you like or not, you're still getting hurt so please, treat her well." We all nodded and Mrs. Nam parked in front of a house.

"This is where you'll be staying at, this village is safe, We own this but Y/n doesn't know. It's purpose is to keep us safe whenever something chaotic happens."

All of us went out and carried Y/n to a dark room where we setted up a fake abduction scene.

We left her there to talk about the details of this village.

"There will be a lot of people of mine who will guard your safety all day. It's peaceful here and I asked her friends to move here as well since their contract being idols ended. Jihyo will also live here together with her husband, so, they will meet at any point."

Her mother handed me a camera, leaving me puzzled.

"Leave this in her room, she likes to take pictures. It's up to you if you'll tell her that it was from me. It's my apology gift, we aren't really in good terms yet because of what happened in the past. But please do tell her, that I love her so much and I'll fix this. Jihyo isn't bad at all, she's a great person. But still, it's up to her decision." Mrs. Nam said, wiping her tears away.

~ end of flashback ~

"That night was just us talking about how we should handle your behavior." At this point, I was still in a state of shock to even answer.

"I love you, so much, you know that but I won't hold you back if you still love Jihyo. Wherever you're happy, I'm happy."

"We can't be together."


"Me and Jihyo...I don't think we can happen."

"Aish, you fool. Just chat her, idiot. Court her again, I'll help you with that."

I chuckled and patted her head, "So, we're still friends?"

Ryujin nodded and gave me a hug.

"A month having you isn't bad at all." I hugged her back and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"You know what, you should definitely confess to Yeji." Ryujin blushed at what I said.

"Oohh so you do like her!!" She covered my mouth, making me giggle.

"Yah shut up! just go get your girl!"

"Okay, I will."

Ryujin stood up and went out of my room, I grabbed my phone and stared at her texts.

Park Jihyo
• last seen at 12:20 am

Uhm hey
I know you're already sleeping
Sorry about what happened
Let's meet with the girls.
Tomorrow at 5 pm?
Good night
Sleep well
I love you|
I lov|
sent 1:10 am


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