Chapter 10

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A/n: huge time skip :))


- A year later -

Third Person POV

Where the hell are you?

I'm sorry, traffic is really heavy today.

The clients are here already, please be careful on the way.

You can start without me, monkey.
I gotta go now, I'm not that far.

Okay, I'll make sure to kill you
later for calling me monkey!

No you won't.

And why is that?

You love me way too much to hurt me.

I-- pft whatever. JUST PLEASE HURRY UP!

Yes, Ma'am. Byeee, I love you.

Yeah yeah, I love you too.

Call ended.

After the call, Y/n stopped by a flower shop to pick up her order. She was actually near the place where the photoshoot is designated.

She hurriedly pay for the flowers and drove inside the facility. When she got off her car, her brother was there.

"YAH WHAT ARE YOU-- AARRGHH!!" she ran up to her brother and gave him a tight hug. Her brother stopped by because their company is infront of the facility that they are using for the day.

"Ryujinnie is pissed off back there because of you. You better pick up the pace." Joohyuk said and gave her sister a pat on the head.

She smiled and nodded her head, "Dinner later?" she asked and he said he was busy. "Aww, okay next time then?"

She gave the car keys to him so that the car can be parked properly. Y/n grabbed her camera and also the flowers she bought before running towards the first scene or scenery? I don't know, just that.

Y/n saw Ryujin getting occupied with fixing her camera and so being the cheeky person Y/n is, she snuck up behind her and covered her eyes.

"Y/n, I know it's you so please stop before I punch you." Ryujin said but she obviously won't do that, Ryujin faced Y/n and they both smiled before hugging each other.

"Miss me?" Y/n asked lovingly. The latter leaned in a little closer and stared at her with that cute smile plastered on her face. "Of course."

The both of them cringed at their sudden acting like a couple.

"Ryujinnie, I knew it, you love me more than just as your bestfriend." Y/n teased, making Ryujin act like she's about to vomit.

"Pft whatever. Here." Y/n gave out the flowers she bought.

"Thank you!" Ryujin thanked.

"Who's our client anyways?" Y/n asked as she prepare her gears.

"Hmm, they're quite famous. They're getting married next month." Ryujin replied.

"What's their name?" I asked.

"Mr. Kang Daniel is obviously the groom, I didn't ask for his wife's name because I'm too shy, Mr. and Mrs. Kang, that's it." Ryujin stated.

Y/n nodded before asking "What do they have in mind? like what theme do they want?" She asked professionally.

"Woah there, calm your horses. The clients are nice, they're not that demanding. They actually agreed upon our own ideas for their wedding photos." Ryujin was getting tired of answering her partners questions.

"You're sweating." Y/n wiped Ryujin's sweat and gave her a water bottle. "Have you eaten anything?" Ryujin just nodded.

"You're tired, aren't you?" She made the latter sit down and Y/n did the same.

"Let's give it a 10 hm? Where's the couple anyways? I'll tell them to eat first and change their clothes to something that they'd wear on their date." Y/n held Ryujin's hand as she massages it.

"I'll come with you, come on. Stop being flirty on the job." Ryujin teased.

"I'm just clingy." Y/n defended. They both chuckled and made their way to meet the couple.

"Can you show me the photos you took later?" Ryujin nodded as a response and kept on walking.

"They're in their room, I think? I told them to go inside since it's kind of hot today." Ryujin stood infront of a door and knocked softly.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kang?" She politely called. I wonder who's the lucky girl to marry Daniel. We've been hanging out lately because he wanted to be in good terms with me. He hasn't spoken to me about a wedding nor mentioning anyone that he's now dating.

The door slowly opened and there revealed Daniel. He smiled at us and I shaked his hand and greeted him.

"I never knew you'd be our photographer, Y/n." He said and I was surprised as well when Ryujin mentioned his surname earlier.

"Me too. So, uhm hey, we should rest for a while and eat lunch." I suggested and he agreed.

"Sure, I'll just call my wife over, well future wife because y'know, we're just about to get married and all." He's really happy that he's getting married.

"Let's go together, So that we can talk about the details later about the next theme." Ryujin proposed, she has a good point.

"Yeah we should do that, I brought my car here so let's just use that." I said and Daniel hurriedly called his wife over.

Ryujin and I waited at the parking area. "You have no idea how beautiful Mrs. Kang is." Shin can't stop fangirling over Daniel's wife.

"You're so gay." Y/n stated before starting the car's engine.

"Y/n get out of the car! The couples are here!" Ryujin pulled me out and I scolded her because of her gayness.

Y/n fixed herselfself before looking at the direction where Ryujin is looking at. What she saw completely had her emotions all mixed up.

She doesn't know whether she should feel happy about it or that she should just go home and leave them there.

Daniel smiled at her future wife widely before looking at us.

"Y/n, meet my future wife." Daniel spoke and couldn't contain his smile.

"Your future wife is..."



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