Chapter 4

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- March 28 -
Day of Abduction

Unknown's POV

The car is ready, Madam.

Very well.
Make sure the other girl won't see,
do your work properly.
I'm paying you people
good money for this.
No one gets hurt, unless needed.

Yes Ma'am.
*talking to someone*
Hello Ma'am?
The girl is alone in their room,
we should take the chance.

Call when you arrive at
the warehouse.

Will do, Madam

~ call ended ~

They better not hurt any one of them, Y/n would kill me. I should call her.




Ms. They're about
to nobble her.

Good, I'll take care of
the rest.

~ call ended ~

- March 25 -
3 days before the Abduction

Unknown's POV

It's our last week, I decided to surprise my girl. I planned everything, visit the Church first before our date starts and then dinner. I know how much we like visiting Intramuros so we're going there.


Where are you?
seened ✔

I'm somewhere, I can't
tell you hehe
I'm just picking up
some stuff
I'll be home later
I love youuu

Okie, keep safe
I love you moreee
seened ✔

What on earth is she picking up. Damn, this woman has lots of surprises pft. I should get ready for our anniversary.

"I'm so excited to see my lover for the 4th year" I squealed, I always do out of excitement psh.

I got in the shower and did my routine.

~ 2 hours later ~

*knock knock*

"That must be her!" I cheerfully said as I stood up and runned towards the door. I opened it and it was her! I hugged her tight, walking backwards so that she could come in.

"I missed you" She said, hugging me tightly. "I missed you too" I pulled away and kissed her. "Happy Anniversary, My love" I smiled and so did she.

"Happy Anniversary" she replied. We pulled away from our hug and told her that she should go get ready for our date night.

~ at Intramuros ~

Hmm, I missed it here. It's so beautiful especially at night. I smiled just remembering our past dates here, so much memories. "She's an awe again" She said teasingly, "Shut up, you know I'm always like this hmpk"

She chuckled and held my hand up to her lips, giving it a quick peck. Her actions made me blush, causing me to look away. "Gosh you're so beautiful and cute" She added, making me to punch her arm playfully.

"Sh-Shut up, let's just go!" I exclaimed shyly and went out of our car. This girl is gejcjskcn urghhh.

~ at the Church ~

We went inside holding each others hands, we walked down the aisle and picked a row where to sit. It's so beautiful.

We spent a few minutes praying theren, Just pure silency. I always pray for our family, for the feud to stop between them. Then of course, us. Our safety and all. I'm very thankful that He gave me a girl to love and take care of, and I will always take care of this blessing.

~ at Dinner ~

We sat in front of each other, ordered our food and waited. I took my phone out and secretly took a picture of her but to my clumsiness, the flash was on.

She chuckled and teased me, "Wow, you're a bad stalker" She stated and started to laugh. "You always tease me, hmpk" I pouted and crossed my arms, she leaned in towards me and kissed me. I was shocked. "Y-Yah!" I playfully kicked her underneath the table. She hissed and shushed me.

"Calm down gosh" She chuckled, "I love you" She added. "I love you more" I held her hand and stared at her, we stayed like that for a few minutes.

Her eyes are so beautiful, Well she's beautiful in general so..she's mine. No one can take her away from. No one.

~ after dinner ~

"Let's go home?" She asked and I nodded, "Okay, let's go" She reached for my hand and held it, then I intertwined it with hers.

We walked back to our car, during our walk, I couldn't stop admiring how beautiful my future wife is. Just seeing her with me back here is just so overwhelming. I don't know what to do anymore if all of this suddenly changes.

"I love you" I said as we stop in front of our car, "I love you more" she replied, kissing me on my forehead. I smiled at her and so did she, we both went to our sides and entered. "Safety first" She said amd buckled my seatbelt in. "Thank you~" I pecked her cheek, causing her to blush.

"W-Welcome" How cute of her!

I love you so much, I am definitely keeping you.



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