Chapter 22

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Thought this asshole wouldn't show up.

"Well good day, Mr. Kang." I sarcastically greeted.

He smirks and slowly takes his shades off.

"Good to know you're still alive."

"Mr. Kang, I would like to catch up but business is what I came for so why don't we just start already." He really knows how to get in my nerves.

"Oh we can't start yet, we're still waiting for my partner." Daniel said with a smirk.

I shrugged it off and went on my phone, I don't like talking to him at all.

~20 minutes later~

After waiting, Daniel received a call and told us to wait because he's going to pick his girl up at the entrance. That's good to know, at least he's not after my girl.

"Y/n, uhm...are you sure you want to do this photoshoot?" Ryujin asked with that concerned tone.

"Yes, why?"

"Uhm well, I can do it for you if you'd like."

I look back at her and was about to ask again but I already know why.

"Yeah..that's why"

I smiled bitterly and nodded.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter."

"Y/n, I'm pretty sure you know her already. " Daniel smirked.

I stood up and fixed my self.

"Are you both ready? Mr. and Mrs. Kang?" I only looked at Daniel because I was too hurt to look at her.

"Of course."

And with that, we started the photoshoot that I don't even know what for.

After a few hours of being numb as hell, I went with Ryujin back at her house to edit, I don't want to talk with Jihyo about it.

"Hey, you okay?" Ryujin asked as she sat down beside me with a drink in her hand."

"Do you think this lighting is better than this?" 

"Stop working on that, I can edit them later. You're just hurting yourself."

"Says who? I'm working and you're my boss, dummy. I need to get paid at some point."

Ryujin sighed and left me.

I sighed as well, I'm so confused...I thought Jihyo got divorced with him. I guess not.

My phone started ringing and I saw that the caller ID is unknown. Who could that be?



It's her.

"Good evening, Mrs. Kang. Is there any problem?"

"Y/n I--"

"With all do respect, it's Ms. Nam." 

I didn't want to sound so rude but..I can't help it.

"Oh..okay uhm Ms. Nam, what time are you going home? I cooked dinner."

"That's not where I live, I'm staying with Ryujin from now on. Have a lovely dinner."

I immediately ended the call and started working again.

I can't help but to cry silently as I look at the pictures one by one.

My phone started to ring again but I know it's her, I didn't bother answering.

Why is this happening to me?

~the next day~

On my way at the girls' dorm to you know, pick up my things again and move out. I gotta sell the old house and split the money with Jihyo.

Either way, they have their own house.

I entered casually since I know the code, "Is Jihyo here?"

"Yes?" she answered and she was cooking.

"I'm selling the house."

"What house?"

"Our old house?"

"What?! Why?!"

"How many percentage do you want."

She was obviously shocked and just stared at me.

"Why are you selling it? It's our house, Y/n."

"Which we don't live in and we're not together anymore."

Ouch indeed or should I say AWIT.

"Oh..uhm really? I-i thought we're on the same page..."

"I shot my shot..nice try don't you think?" I chuckled and got a little hurt.

"I swear I didn't knew...I thought Daniel just wanted"

"To take you back? Sure." I grabbed our ring and placed it on the counter top.

"Yeah funny thing is that I kept that for who knows how long, hoping that I get you back but I guess not. Thank you for everything tho, so, 50-50 on the house."

I left even if she's calling me.

I love her but I'm so confused, does she love me?? I know she does, I can feel it but why does it not look like it?

On the way at the house made me feel nostalgic. I swore I wouldn't go back here without my girl but turns out I won't get her back.

The buyers was already there with my P.A so I just have to let them sign shit and I'm out.

I already transferred the money to Jihyo's bank acc since I don't want to see her for a while. I need to set things straight, I have to know what's up with her Mother.

Why is she so against us.

Thank god my Mother informed me about this and kept me safe but how long will it last?

Christmas is...near and I have to spend it alone. Great.

"Sana all sa mga may jowa" I uttered and my P.A looked at me weirdly.

"Oh uhm uhh I said that uhm the weather is a little chilly." She nodded and proceeded with her work.

Pero sana all pa din.


-unnieeetot ♡

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