Chapter 27

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I blushed and looked down. I could not believe I just said that.

"So, oppa...h-how's Lisa and you?" I quickly changed the topic.

He chuckled and shaked his head. "We're doing fine, our daughter Jennie is really close with her more." he said.
(Jenlisa everyone?)

My eyes widened because I never knew I have a niece.

"Was it THAT long of getting cutted of by the world?!" He chuckled and nodded.

"Better ready your money."


They both laughed at me for reacting like that.

"Oh relax, Jennie doesn't bite. Just a little when you take her mommy away for even just a second." he giggled.

"I wasn't informed you're that bad at raising a kid." I scoffed.

"Yah, I raised you."

"Exactly, oppa."

He chuckled and so did I.

We arrived home and I just met his wife and kid. Jennie is a feisty Feisty baby.

And with that, I went to my condo with Jihyo and settled in for a bit.

I layed down and she did the same. She hugged me, making me pull her closer.

"Do you mean it?"

"Mean what?"

She sighed and shaked her head. "Nothing, let's just rest."

I agreed and she fell asleep in no time.

Jihyo's POV

I woke up and Y/n was still sleeping, I looked up at her and smiled bitterly.

Are you still not sure about me?

I sighed and wiped the tears forming at the edge of my eyes, sat up and fixed the sofa for me. I just want to give her space if she's still not ready.

She waited years for me and I know I'm impatient but I'll wait as well.

I wore my jacket because the AC is way too cold, I'm not that good at cold places. That's why I always layer a lot of clothes in S.K.

I layed down and used my bag as a pillow. Not that soft but it'll do. I look at her one last time before I go back to sleep.

I'm sorry if I couldn't fight for us. I tried but Daniel didn't want to let me go. I was trapped in OUR house with a man I don't want to live with.

He would track my locations when I'm going out alone. Wouldn't even let me sleep next to him.

All of his "love" was just for show. All for the money.

~few hours later~

I slowly opened my eyes and felt at ease. I stretched a bit and to my surprise, Y/n was giving me a backhug.

She..she moved me.

I held her hand tightly and made her hug me tighter as I let my tears fall.

"Hey.." She said.


"Why did you move? Don't you want to sleep beside me?"

"I'm..not used to it."

She moved closer and placed the blanket over us.

"You'll get used to it, I'm not letting Daniel even lay a finger on you anymore. Stay close to me at all costs. Okay?"

At that point I just let myself go. I cried and Y/n intertwined our fingers and gave me soft kisses on my forehead as she tries to calm me down.

"It's okay, baby. I'm here now." She smiled assuringly and I pulled her in a kiss. A gentle, sweet and slow..kiss.

She kissed me back and evem caressed my cheek as she cups it.

I pulled away and hugged her tight.

"I-I thought you weren't ready?"

She hugged me back and stayed silent.

"I-I know you're not ready...I c-can sleep on the sofa--"

"I love you."

I froze and stopped crying.

She pulled away and looked at me. She gave me a smile and kissed my nose.

"And I will never stop loving you."

I began to cry again as we both hugged each other.

"Don't cry anymore, I'm all yours starting today."

I nodded and pecked her lips.

"I love you." she said.

"I love you more, Y/n."


Unconditionally Yours //Jihyo x Reader//Where stories live. Discover now