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Inyeop's POV

I don't understand why the hell he wants to leave the hospital when he is not fucking discharged! I swear, I want to punch his face for being so hardheaded but I can't. He would always say that he will die anyways, what's the point of staying in the hospital. How can he be so clueless?

I started driving the car away from the hospital. He can't just live like he is not sick or what. We all know he is going to die anyway but he needs to careful as well. He might trigger what he feels and might found dead in next few minutes. He is so hardheaded. Can he just stay in his room?

calling Hyunjin...


"Caius left the one hour ago"

[He what?]

"He left the hospital. He said he will attend your class today"

[Is that really his reason?]

"He wants to meet Eunjoo"

[I see, I'll take care of him. I'll update you about him]

"Thanks. You better be fine as well"

[Don't worry about me. You better worry about yourself when you get home]


He quickly ended the call as fast as he can before he even answered. Why would I worry about myself? That's our house.

As I arrived, I parked the car and went inside. The lights were on and the door is not locked as well. Who the fuck-

"Inyeop!" Yeji shouted as she got out of the kitchen

"What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Can't I go here?! You are really rude" she rolled her eyes and sat on the couch while eating chicken "How's Caius? I heard about his condition. His parents will go home soon. They are really frustrated about what they heard. Also, Mom and Dad will go home tomorrow afternoon. What happened to Felix? Hyunjin also mentioned about it. I want to meet Hyunjin's girlfriend as well"

"You went to Korea alone?"

"Hmm, alone. Also, I want to see someone" Yeji smirked


"You already know who" she said while her cheeks were blushing so bad "Lee"


"You still know? Wow!" she chuckled

Caius calling...

"Where the fuck are you? Yeji is here"

[Really? Tell her to I said hi]

"Where are you?"

[I'm on my way to Stay University. I have a favor to ask]

"You left an hour ago and you are just on your way. Where did you go?"

[I met with Yunhee. Now, listen. Go to the OB/GYN you met last time and ask about Yunhee's real condition]

"What if he won't tell me?"

[If you have to scare him, do it. But control your anger as much as possinble. Just get the information right or else we're done]

"I see"

[Thank you]

"I'll call you when I got the information. Also, do I need to control my anger or what? You know I hate it when someone is trying to play with me"

[It's your decision. I just need the information]

He ended the call.

"Yeji, go with me. We have somewhere to go"

"Something fun? If it's boring, I won't go with you" Yeji

"It's fun"

A smile curved on her lips as she heard the word fun. She knows what I mean and she wants to do that fun over and over again like what I taught her when we're in states. We got in the car and I started driving back to the hospital. Seriously, I just left earlier and I am going back again.

"Doctor Chun"

Yeji quickly typed on her phone and started checking his background. She knows what to do at times like this. This is what she calls fun. Scaring or threatening someone to death. 

"I got it. He is Song Chun-" Yeji

"What? Is there someone named Song Yunhee related to him?"

Yeji nodded "Song Yunhee is his niece"

This is getting fun.

As we arrived at the hospital, I just asked about a doctor named Doctor Chun. The OB/GYN that Felix visited last time. He is the one I asked about Song Yunhee as well. We went to his floor and went straight to his room.

Yeji entered "Doctor Chun"

"Yes?" he asked as he smiled at my sister "What can I do-" he didn't finished what he was saying when he saw me "You, again"

I closed the door and sat "I have a few questions and I want you to answer it honestly"

"What is it?" he asked innocently

"Are you seriously asking? You made me look like a fool the last time I went here"

He smirked "What?"

Yeji took the pen and threw it to the wall "Just be honest when he is being nice, old man"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" he shouted and was about to ran outside but Yeji blocked the door

"Just answer his questions" Yeji smiled cutely

I grabbed his collar as hard as I can "What the fuck is the real deal about Yunhee?!"

"I don't know-" Doctor Chun

Yeji slapped stepped on his foot "He is asking! You are Yunhee's Uncle! Better be honest or I will kill you right now"

"I will ask again. What is the truth about Yunhee? Is Felix the Father?"

He started breathing heavily "She likes Felix and she is obsessed with him-"

"You're answering a not so related answer to his question. You really want to die" Yeji annoyingly said

"I am fucking asking if Felix is the Father!"

"Yunhee is not pregnant!" Doctor Chun shouted out of frustration


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