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Felix's POV

I started driving out of that place that gave me the first very awkward experience in my whole damn life. I looked at Eunjoo and she looked annoyed.

"I told you I was sorry"

"Ya! You didn't embarrassed me. You embarrassed yourself in front of those people. Why would you drag me out there telling me you are damn hungry?!" Eunjoo shouted and sighed

"I told you, I'm sorry"

"You are not sorry" Eunjoo said and took out her phone, she started playing

"Do you want to eat? I'll treat-"

"No, thanks. I want to go home. I want to rest because someone wants me to go with him today and he dragged me out of the studio saying he is hungry" Eunjoo said and started making faces

"Alright, I'll drop you in front of your house"

"Thanks" she said

Argh! Why am I so stupid?! Why did I dragged her out of that studio during her damn photoshoot?! What are you thinking Felix?! Why- Gosh. I just want to leave this place so bad. I took a glance of her and she's browsing on her phone.

"I know a place where-"

"I want to go home" Eunjoo


She looks so mad. What should I do? Wait- I'm never bothered when she's mad at me. In fact, I love making her mad or tease her a lot. Why am I worried now? Damn. After a couple of minutes we finally arrived in front of her house.

"Thank you for today" she said and got out of my car

She walked straight to her house and didn't even looked at me. Whatever. Why would I care if you are mad or not? Ew. Ugly creature. I parked my car in front of my house and entered. I went straight to my room and lied down on my bed while looking at the window.

I hope she will open her-

No! Why do I want her to open her curtain?! Argh! What the hell are you thinking Felix? Why are you so weird? You never acted like this. I need help. I need to call someone I can trust.

calling Jihyun...

"Jeong Jihyun! Thanks you answered!"

[Oh hey, where did you and Eunjoo go? I went there tonight to get my clothes but Eunjoo wasn't there. Her Mom said you left with her]

"We went to a modelling agency. The girl who bought 30 orders from you yesterday is a CEO, she asked me to be a model for one day. We went there and something happened. Please, tell me I can trust you"

[You can trust me. What is it?]

"Ya! It's not that easy!"

[What do you want me to do?! Tell everyone you trust me?! Ya! Just tell me, okay? You called me because you trust me]

"Alright, but who are you with?"

[I'm with Hyunjin, we're on our way to my house]

"To your what?! With Hyunjin?!"

[Yeah, he talked to my parents and they are okay with him now. So, I'll go homr and stop doing the part time. Now, tell me what happened]

"Earlier, when I am doing the photoshoot. I tried to look cool because Eunjoo is watching me to tease her. Then, when she was asked to do a couple photoshoot with Hyunjin's damn cousin"

[Cousin? Who?]

"Hwang Caius"

[Ah that guy, then what happened?]

"Then, they were asked to act like lovely and sweet couple. I don't know why but I kept getting annoyed as I watched them acting like a real couple, looking so in love with each other. I don't know what's happening to me, I dragged her out of the studio. She asked why did I dragged her, I realized what I've done and told her I'm hungry. She got mad and I was so damn worried because she's mad. I tried talking to her but she's really mad at me. I never acted like this when she's mad. Usually, I will tease her even more but I am really affected right now. Why am I like this? Jeong Jihyun! Help me!"

[You like her]


[Yeah, it's me. You can also trust me. Anyway, you like her. It's obvious]

"Wait- What?!"

[I said you like her. Why are you so stupid? How come you didn't realized your own feelings?]

"How can I like an ugly creature?"

[It's Jihyun. I'll talk to you later but for now. You have to talk to her in person, you should find it out yourself. Only you can say if you really like her or not. Good luck, little Felix!]

"Jihyun? Jeong Jihyun! Ya!" I shouted and tried calling her name but she ended it already

She's right. I need to find out if I really like her or what. You can do this, Felix.

To : Eunjoo

Go here, I have to show you something! Right now! Faster!

I quickly changed my shirt, sprayed my perfume all over my body and ran downstairs carrying my phone. Someone suddenly knocked at the door. SHE'S HERE!

I opened the door and was shocked to see her "E-Eunjoo"

"What?" Eunjoo asked and entered the house


"What do you want to show me?" she asked and looked at the table but there's nothing

"N-No, I'm not going to show you something. I want to tell you something"

"Alright, what?" she looked at me crossing her arms

"I don't know but I think I like you"

"You think you like me? Are you kidding me? How come you are not sure?" Eunjoo

"That's why I called you here to help me"

Eunjoo smirked "How?"

"I don't know"

She kissed me "Like that?"

What the...

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